Title: Construct Skills
1Construction Skills
2 At present, most of the construction skills
are acquired on the job. These untrained and
unskilled employees are slow workers. We help
leverage and enhance the knowledge and skills of
YOUR workforce. We provide formal training and
education by developing, administering and/or
maintain training initiatives to continuously
develop your entire workforce
3Learning Methodology Construct Skills
4Because you have visited Construct Skills, it
says you care about your people and want to help
them make a lasting. While some companies focus
on improving only the Operational Processes,
your organization also need to boost
competitiveness and gain efficiencies through
employee performance improvements.
5 1.Standard Job and Task Courses Provide useful
knowledge that can be applied directly to
work. 2.Micro learning Smaller, more targeted
learning. Each topic is broken into small
components for easy remembrance and
learning. 3.Self-Paced Modules can be accessed
through mobile and tablet friendly
courses. 4.Have Pre and Post Training Components
Self-preparation, Self-assessment and follow-up
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