Title: Missmadisondaneille Handmade HairAccessories
1Welcome to Miss Madison Danielle. We are an
online specialty store offering customized
hand-crafted and hand-selected accessories and
apparel for boys and girls
2Ladybug Collection
Every little girl needs something red and black
in their closet...how about the best of both
worlds? This red with black polka dots Hairbow
is our newest addition to our ladybug collection.
It can be paired with practically anything.
3AVAH Hairbow
Our newest addition to our Fall Collection
??Burgandy Tuxedo Bow ??Burgandy Ruffled
4Red with Polka Dot Center Hairbow
Red polka dot center hairbow is such a beauty.
Irrespective of any age or time, red just blends
in with everything, anytime. It has not be any
festive season to adore your little one a bit
more. Your little girl deserves to look best than
the rest. Available in one size, and this is a
100 cotton material.
5Pin and White Tuxedo Hairbow
A gorgeous baby girl wearing our gorgeous
pink-polka dot bloomer headband set.This
style and more can be found at www.missmadisondani
6Rainbow Angel Wing Hairbow
We have created this Rainbow Angel Wing Hairbow
for your baby girl. You can add this item to her
Christmas accessory, and its totally worth the