Title: Anne Kihagi Real Estate Investor
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2Anne Kihagi
- Ms. Anne Kihagi is a real estate investor in the
San Francisco Bay Area, a tough market by any
stretch of the imagination. Its a city that has
some of the toughest rent-control rules, which in
addition to the limited geographic territory,
have made for a very challenging housing market
with many developers pursuing other, less
constrained market.
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4Annes Website
- Ms. Kihagi enjoys challenging others on many
of the issues that face San Franciscans,
but many are afraid to discuss. She
believes an open dialogue is key to finding
many of the necessary solutions to the
city. She maintains an active blog site
under annekihagisf.com where she raises some
of these issues and another one
annekihagica.com where she shares many of
the fascinating places that only locals know
about. Like her recent blog on cayucos
which is a great surf town that only
surfers talk about and topics like where
millennials are moving to.
5San Francisco is the 4th most populous city in
California, behind Los Angeles, San Diego and San
Jose, with a total population of around 860,000.
It is also the 2nd most dense city nationwide,
with 6,266 people per square mile. About 65 of
San Francisco housing is rented, while 35 is
owner-occupied a very high ratio of renters to
owners. Most rented units have been filled by
rent-controlled tenancies averaging over 15
years, preventing rental turn-over except for a
very small slice of the citys market.
6Annes Latest Article
- A recent article, Ms. Kihagi shared When the
news decries astronomical rents in San Francisco,
they fail to mention that the few properties with
these price tags only about 25 of rentals
are those that have undergone major renovations
to warrant higher rent. They boast premium
amenities like washing machines, updated kitchens
and bathrooms, and many aesthetic upgrades that
would naturally require a higher rate than an
outdated, rent-controlled unit.
7Stay Tuned
- Please stay tuned to many more, thought
provoking articles from Ms. Kihagi.