Title: Brows by Bodine - Eyebrow Design and Microblading
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2Brows by Bodine offers professional eyebrow
microblading servicing the Dallas/Ft. Worth
(DFW), Plano and Highland Park communities.
3Microblading enhances existing eyebrows and is
also a safe way to create new eyebrows for those
that have suffered hair loss.
4Microblading is a perfect solution for thinning
eyebrows or light eyebrows.
5For brows designed and created by an artist with
over two decades of cosmetic and artistic
experience, Don Bodine can give you the eyebrows
that you have always wanted.
6Brows by Bodine 8335 Westchester Dr., Suite
35 Dallas, Texas 75225 United States Phone
Number 214-828-6270 Website http//browsbybodine