Title: Scientific Names of Organisms in a Medical Dissertation
1How to Present the Scientific Names of Organisms
in a Medical Dissertation?
2Scientific names of organisms
- Medical dissertation commonly uses the scientific
names of various organisms, be it a plant,
animal, or any other organism. Such names are
always expressed in the Latin language and
consist of two parts like Homo sapiens for
humans. - The first part, Homo, is a noun which means man
and the second part, sapiens, is its adjective
which means wise. - Rigid rules and conventions are present in the
field of science for expressing the names of the
3- Various systems govern the nomenclature of
organisms, such as the International Code of
Zoological Nomenclature, the International Code
of Nomenclature of Bacteria, and the
International Code of Nomenclature for algae,
fungi, and plants. - Thus, a doctorate student must be aware of how to
present the scientific names of the organisms in
their medical dissertation. - This is because incorrect representation of the
scientific names will lead to the rejection of
your dissertation, and cost you your doctorate
4Let see the accepted style to present the
scientific names of organisms
5- Capitalization When you use the Latin name of
the organism, the first part represents the
genus, and always starts with a capital letter.
The second part is the name of the species and
always starts with a small letter. E.g. Ocimum
sanctum (tulsi), Felis catus (cat) and so on. - Please note when you use MS Word to write
your medical dissertation, it considers this dot
as a full-stop and automatically capitalises the
next letter. Check it and change to the desired
format before submitting your dissertation.
62.Italics Although you must write the scientific
names in italics, if the surrounding text is also
in italics, then write the names in the normal,
upright form. 3.Abbreviations Authors commonly
use the complete name at the first mention and
then onwards abbreviate the name of the genus to
the initial letter, such as the common species of
wheat is Triticum aestivum Macaroni wheat is T.
74.Referring to unspecified species At times
authors refer to one or more species without
specifying its exact name i.e. without giving the
second part of the Latin name. In such cases, it
is acceptable to use sp. (singular) or spp.
(plural) in your content. E.g. several Triticum
spp. were compared or the collection included
two specimens of Zingiber officinale, three of
Mangifera indica, and one of Citrus sp. The
species word which is abbreviated is not used
in italics but in a normal format and always ends
with the dot.
8Hope, you will pay attention to these minute
details while writing the scientific names of
organisms in your medical dissertation.
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