Title: The Rise of WordPress
1The Rise of WordPress
Its no secret that WordPress is one of the most
popular ways to build a website. But just how
popular is WordPress? And does WordPress
popularity extend beyond its blogging platform
2WordPress has officially taken over the internet.
Actually, that happened a while ago, but with
W3Techs reporting that WordPress is powering 30
of the Internet, there can be no doubt.
3The report goes on to indicate that WordPress
owns a whopping 60.3 market share, almost 10
times more than their closest competitor, Joomla,
which came in at 3.1 usage and 6.3 market share.
4Is WordPress market share still growing?
Yes! WordPress market share isnt just still
growing, At the start of 2017, WordPress powered
27.3 of all websites. By October 2018, WordPress
had made it to the current market share of 32.0.
Some quick math should tell you that WordPress
gobbled up an additional 4.7 of the total
website market good for 17.2 growth.
5WooCommerce Market Share
Because WordPress had its origins in blogging,
you might be surprised to realize how dominant
WordPress is in other areas notably, eCommerce.
6With developers becoming the rock stars of the
digital age, tech sites like InfoWorld are
proclaiming this the rise of the developer.
Along with this rise, developer salaries have
gone up over the last five years.
7What Web Developers Do?
Web developers design and create websites. They
are responsible for the look of the site. They
are also responsible for the sites technical
aspects, such as its performance and capacity,
which are measures of a websites speed and how
much traffic the site can handle. In addition,
web developers may create content for the site.
8WordPress Training Classes Offered
- The training classes offered by the Web Guru are
intensive, hands-on classes that will get you up
to speed quickly. - The Web Guru is located in Orlando, Florida and
also travels around the country conducting
classes, workshops and custom WordPress training.
You can read more about WordPress Training
Classes in Orlando here - The Web Guru, also known as Navin Kulshreshtha,
has over 12 years of industry experience and over
8 years of teaching experience. He is an Adobe
Certified Expert (ACE) and Adobe Certified
Instructor (ACI) and has taught hundreds of
groups and individuals.