Title: Struggling with unsightly and painful varicose veins?
3Varicose Veins
What is Varicose Veins?
What Treatments Are Available?
Why Choose Varicose Vein Removal
Recovery Aftercare
Complications Side Effects
4Varicose Veins
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5What is Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins are veins that are either over
stretched, enlarged or swollen, usually in the
legs, which can be felt under the skin and
sometimes prominently visible to the eye. They
can also appear in the feet and other parts of
the body. Varicose veins can vary in how they
look and feel. They are often lumpy, can appear
to bulge the skin and be purple / blue in
appearance. For people with varicose veins,
symptoms can often be felt in a number of ways
and can be worse in different conditions, such as
hot weather or if you stand for a long time at
work. Sometimes moving about or raising your legs
when you sit down can help ease symptoms.
6What Treatments Are Available?
- For patients who suffer with varicose veins,
there are many treatment options available to
combat the problem area. Available treatments are
both surgical and non-surgical. - Depending on the severity of your varicose veins
and how bothersome they are, your specialist can
advise and discuss your options on an individual
basis and help you identify whether or not you
are an ideal candidate for vein surgery. - Treatments include
- Surgical vein removal
- Endovenous laser treatment
- Sclerotherapy treatment
- Radiofrequency ablation
7Why Choose Varicose Vein Removal
- Having prominent varicose veins can sometimes
make people feel self conscious and have low self
esteem. The thought of going on holiday or
putting on a dress or pair of shorts on at hot
summers day can cause stress and anxiety. - Removing varicose veins can sometimes remove this
stress and anxiety and make feel more confident
and secure in themselves. - Some of the reasons why people choose to remove
their varicose veins include - To remove bulging and lumpy veins in their legs
8Why Choose Varicose Vein Removal
- To ease aching or the heavy feeling that can
occur with varicose veins - To stop night time cramping
- To improve the skin feel and appearance around
the problem area - To stop feet, leg and ankle swelling caused by
varicose veins. - To boost self confidence and self esteem
- To be able to wear open clothing such as
skirts, dresses and shorts - To take away the burden of feeling the need to
hide legs / cover up with trousers and other
9Recovery Aftercare
- Once your procedure has finished, you will be
taken to a recovery room (general anaesthetic) or
outpatient clinic (local anaesthetic), where you
will be monitored in the hours that follow,
including taking your blood pressure and pulse. - Once the anaesthetic wears off, you will be able
to eat / drink and will be required to do a water
sample before being discharged for home. Before
going home, you will be given an aftercare plan
and told what to expect in the coming days /
weeks. However, it is common to feel some level
of anxiety when getting up and walking for the
first few times. - Your aftercare plan / pack may include bandages
for dressing wounds, stockings to support your
legs and blood circulation and pain killers. It
is important to follow your aftercare plan as
closely as possible for up to six weeks post
surgery, including sticking to the advice of your
surgeon on how long to wear support stockings
for. Resting is fine for the first 2-3 days after
your varicose vein procedure, however it is
important and recommended to slowly increase the
amount of activity you do each day for the
following 10-14 days.
10Complications Side Effects
- As with all types of surgery, there are risks,
complications and side effects associated with
varicose vein procedures. - These include
- The feeling of tingling around the incisions in
the legs. - Numbing of the area where the vein has been
removed. - Lumps can develop in the groin, which can be
filled with blood, known as a haematoma. These
require draining by a surgeon. - Discolouration of the skin where the vein used
to be. - Injury to arteries, veins or surrounding
tissue, although this is very rare. - Deep vein thrombosis, also known as DVT. This
is the presence of a blood clot that has formed
at some point during your surgery or aftercare.
Clots can break up and move through the blood,
causing complications with the lungs such as
pulmonary embolism.
11Complications Side Effects
- It is extremely important to look out for any
symptoms of deep vein thrombosis after your
surgery, such as - Warm sensation in the legs
- Leg pain
- Swollen legs
- Red tinged skin in the treated area
- Infection
12Our Surgeon
My philosophy in treating patients is simple I
aim to treat them, as I would like to be treated!
I explain to patients in clear and simple
language, usually with the help of diagram, and
offer them treatments that are effective, durable
and usually delivered in one session.I have been
a Consultant Vascular Surgeon for nearly 15 years.
Specialized in
Mr Ramasubramanyan Chandrasekar
- Varicose veins (EVLA, Foam sclerotherapy,
Clarivein) - Carotid endarterectomy under Local Anaesthesia
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
- Lower limb revascularisation
Consultant Vascular Surgeon(GMC Number 3608281)
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16Contact us
Address Manchester Private Hospital, New Court,
Regents Place, Windsor Street Salford, Greater
Manchester, M5 4HB Location Manchester Private
Hospital PHONE 0161 507 8822 FAX 0161 507
8828 EMAIL info_at_manchesterprivatehospital.co.uk W
eb www.manchesterprivatehospital.co.uk