Title: Way to Increase the Lifespan of the Brake Pad
1Way to Increase the Lifespan of the Brake Pad
2Nobody knows how long the brake pads of the car
should last because it completely depends on the
driving style and habits of the driver.
3 The driving habits of the driver like quick
starts, short trips, and city driving could burn
the gas faster.
4 Like other parts of the car, the lifespan of the
brake pads are typically placed between 25,000 to
65,000 miles.
5 Your driving habits also impact the brake pads
of your car as well as wear out after a few
months of use.
6The following points help you to increase the
lifespan of the brake pads of the car
7Drive at a moderate speed
8If you are driving the car at high speed and
apply the brakes suddenly, then it would generate
a lot of friction, wears out the brake pads and
shortens its lifespan.
9 Driving the car at the high speed also burns
more gas which will cost you a lot of money. So,
try to drive the car at moderate speed and apply
the brakes smoothly.
10Reduce some weight
11When you are driving the car with friends or
moving furniture you will put heavy loads in the
car, as a result, the brake pads work harder to
stop the car.
12So, remove the things from your trunk or backseat
to give your brakes to function properly. By
reducing the weight, you can also improve the
fuel economy.
13Use engine brakes
14When you need to apply the brakes suddenly such
as in the red light or heavy traffic, then take
your foot off the accelerator.
15 In this cases, when you want to stop the car
disengage the engine and lightens the loads on
your brakes. It is known as engine braking to
slow the car without pressing the brakes.
16Don't ride the brakes
17The brake pedal of the car are used to stop the
car. But riding the brake pedal can wreak havoc
on your brake pads and shorten the life.
18The drivers also feel confusing when they press
the pedal and activates the brake lights. So,
rest your foot on the floorboard instead of
pressing the brake pedal.
20 Replacing the brake pads of the car at the
rights time can save you money as well as prevent
other parts from damage.
21When you are replacing the brake pads of the car
as soon as possible will save the rotors and the
money spend on serious repairs.
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