Title: Cassandra Shepard An Exceptional Teacher From Evanston
1Cassandra Shepard
2A Brief Introduction
- Cassandra Shepard was a part-time instructor at
the renowned Art Institute of Chicago, where she
developed, organized, and taught college-level
writing classes that concentrated on myriad
topics including history, politics, and ethics.
She taught approximately 15 students each
semester from August 2012 to September 2017.
3Cassandras Teaching Prowess
- Cassandra Shepard has taught a range of classes
at Northwestern University as an assistant
instructor. Some of the courses she has enjoyed
teaching the most are History of the Black World,
The Civil Rights Movement, Gender and Black
Masculinity, and The History of African American
and Asian Relations in the United States.
4Former Undergraduate Research Journal Editor
Cassandra Shepard was an editor for XULAneXUS,
which is an undergraduate research journal, in
2009 and 2010. Over this period, she was an
honored committee member on the humanities and
fine arts boards.
5Cassandra Shepards Scholarly Research
Cassandra Shepard was an editor for XULAneXUS,
which is an undergraduate research journal, in
2009 and 2010. Over this period, she was an
honored committee member on the humanities and
fine arts boards.
6Contact Us
For more information visit here
- https//www.afam.northwestern.edu/people/graduate-
- https//www.crunchbase.com/person/cassandra-shepar
- https//cassandrashepard.wordpress.com/
- https//harri.com/cassandrashepard
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