Title: POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
1POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
2POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Entire Course For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com POL 201 Week 1 DQ 1 T
he U.S. Constitution POL 201 Week 1 DQ 2 Week One
Reflection POL 201 Week 1 Learning Activity The Co
nstitution POL 201 Week 1 Quiz POL 201 Week 2 DQ 1
Policy and Your Life POL 201 Week 2 DQ 2 Week Two
3POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Week 1 DQ 1 The U.S. Constitution For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com The U.S.
Constitution Prepare Prior to writing your ini
tial post, read Chapters 1 and 2 of American Gover
nment. In addition, watch the video provided on th
e U.S. Constitution, Episode IV - Built to Last. R
eflect The U.S. Constitution is the cornerstone o
f our federal government. The Constitution establi
shes a basic operational framework that enables th
e three branches of government executive, legisl
ative, and judicial
4POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Week 1 DQ 2 Week One Reflection For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Week One
Reflection. Prepare Prior to beginning your refl
ection this week, complete all course readings, yo
ur introduction, and the Discussion, The U.S. Con
stitution. Reflect Once you have completed the
se assignments think about how American politics h
ave and could affect your career aspirations. The
Founding Fathers created an amazing governmental s
tructure that affects almost every aspect of our l
ives even today. For instance, if you are a crimin
al justice major, what parts of the U.S. Constitut
ion are applicable to what you are learning in you
r major? If you are a business major, which branch
of government
5POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Week 1 Learning Activity The
Constitution For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com The Constitution. The
weekly worksheets will help you build all the nec
essary parts for your Final Paper. This week, you
will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the
most important document for Americas national gov
ernment, the U.S. Constitution. In your worksheet,
you will describe one strength and one weakness o
f the Constitution. In addition, you will need to
recommend a way to maintain the strength of this a
mazing document and a way to correct a weakness. T
his effort begins the process of critically analyz
ing key features of our national government. To co
mplete the assignment, save the Week One Learning
Activity Worksheet (available in the online classr
oom) to your computer, fill it out, and submit it.
6POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Week 1 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1. The Ameri
can system of government can be most accurately de
scribed as a _________. Question 2. In 1607, the
English monarch King James I granted a charter to
which organization to establish a settlement in t
he Chesapeake region? Question 3. The Connecticu
t Plan, also known as the Great Compromise, combin
ed elements of which two other plans during the Co
nstitutional Convention of 1787?
7POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Week 2 DQ 1 Policy and Your Life For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Policy a
nd Your Life Prepare Prior to beginning work on t
his discussion question, read Chapters 3 and 4 in
American Government. In addition, watch the videos
provided on federalism Quick Study of Federalism
Part 1, Quick Study of Federalism Part 2, and Qui
ck Study of Federalism Part 3, and the U.S. Consti
tution Episode I - A More Perfect Union. Reflect
The U.S. government's expansive role in public po
licy is caught in a swirl of conflicting crosscurr
ents. On the one hand, popular expectations about
government's responsibility to solve problems ofte
n exceed the capacity of state and local authoriti
es to respond effectively. On the other hand, poli
cies developed at the national level may not suffi
ciently reflect the great diversity of interests a
cross the U.S.
8POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Week 2 DQ 2 Week Two Reflection For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Prepare
Prior to beginning your reflection this week, com
plete all course readings and assigned videos, and
the Discussion, Policy and Your Life. Reflect
Once you have completed these assignments, think a
bout how federalism and the U.S. Congress have or
will affect your life. The federal structure ensur
es that there is a clear line between local, state
, and federal government regulations, policies, an
d oversightsometimes! Think about how federal sta
tues affect your work or will affect your work in
the future. Does Congress have oversight of any of
the processes or products in your workplace? Do t
he government regulations, policies, and oversight
sometimes conflict with local or state regulation
s, policies, and oversight?
9POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Week 2 Learning Activity Federalism For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Federali
sm This week, we continue completing the worksheet
s in preparation for the Final Paper. One of the m
ost important structures in the national governmen
t is federalism. Understanding the relationship be
tween local, state, and national level governments
is critical in being able to understand all of th
e key features of our national government. Describ
e an advantage and a disadvantage to a national po
licy that an agency in the federal bureaucracy mus
t implement. In addition, recommend an option to m
aintain the advantage and one to improve the disad
vantage. To complete the assignment, save the Week
Two Learning Activity Worksheet (available in the
online classroom) to your computer, fill it out,
and submit it.
10POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Week 2 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Question 1. The natio
nal government can attempt to gain the cooperation
of state governments by using what type of coerci
ve measures? Question 2. The Tenth Amendment bal
ances out national authority by Question 3. A pr
esidential veto of a bill can be overridden by wha
t percentage vote of all members of Congress?
11POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Week 3 DQ 1 The Electoral College For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Prepare
Prior to beginning work on this discussion quest
ion, read Chapters 5 and 6 in American Government.
In addition, read the following articles Wha
t Are the Arguments Made in Favor and Against
the Electoral College?, GOP Leaders United in
Defense of the Electoral College, and the ProQue
st article
12POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
POL 201 Week 3 DQ 2 Week Three Reflection For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Week Thr
ee Reflection American Government. Review the vid
eos, Episode I - A More Perfect Union and Episode
II - Its a Free Country regarding the U.S. Consti
tution. Reflect The executive and judicial bran
ches of the U.S. national government often seem to
operate independently and with little conflict. M
any laws are signed by the President and then impl
emented without a word from the judicial branch. H
owever, there are times when executive decisions a
re challenged by the judicial branch in a process
called judicial review. In addition, there are tim
es when a judicial review has direct impact on you
r life. For example,
13POL 201 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com