Title: Experience with Iot
1Enhanced Customer Experience with IoT Cloud
2Why IoT Cloud ?
Connected devices are everywhere to be found
whether in our household or in the offices.
Salesforce consulting companies are looking out
for ways and means - to establish a connection
between the data on the connected devices and the
customer data. Salesforce introduced its
Cloud-based IoT Cloud platform, so as to offer
the opportunity to its clients in better
understanding of the customer data.
3IoT Cloud - Purpose
Empowering the businesses by proper utilization
of data that resides on the connected devices -
to offer streamlined customer experience.
4IoT Cloud - Benefits
- Following are some of the benefits
- Security
- Easier Data Collection Process
- Connecting Data to Customer Experience
5IoT Cloud - Benefits
6IoT Cloud - Benefits
The event processing engine for the IoT Cloud
ingests almost billions of events per day. The
less technical users need not rely on the data
analysts to understand the data.
7IoT Cloud - Benefits
There is rule-based approach that is followed
here - using machine learning for updation of IoT
8IoT Cloud - The Limitations
Following are some of the limitations
9IoT Cloud - The Limitations
10IoT Cloud - The Limitations
11Render the end-to-end Customer Experience
Following are some of the ways to render the end
to end customer experience
12Render the end-to-end Customer Experience
13Render the end-to-end Customer Experience