Title: Angelo D'Alessandro - Founder, Dalessandro Contracting Group (DCG)
1Angelo DAlessandro
Resident Agent, AQD Construction
2(No Transcript)
3Angelo DAlessandro has wide-ranging experience
of 34 years in the construction industry and he
is known for outperforming as a laborer as well
as head Management of Construction firms.
4His certifications include OSHA 30-Hour
Construction Standard Certification, 40-Hour
HazWoper Certified, Confined Space Certified and
Past Corporate Chair of Freedom Institute.
5Angelo DAlessandros has carried out a number of
significant projects in Michigan, Florida,
Louisiana, and other areas of the United States.
6Angelo DAlessandro has proved himself to be a
great leader in the Civil Construction industry.
7He has worked with leading companies dealing in
Heavy Construction, Demolition, Water and Waste
Water, CIPP Lining, and Trenchless Technologies,
Collection Treatment, and Distribution Systems as
well as Infrastructure Rehabilitation in
Southeastern Michigan, Florida, Louisiana, and
other areas of the United States.
8Angelo DAlessandro is a multi-talented person as
he has worked as a laborer, crew foreman, site
superintendent, and general superintendent. He
has also worked as an operations manager and has
possessed and operated his own firms.
To know more about him visit his official site