What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class 12 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class 12


Class 12 Biology : In this article, we will learn Agrochemicals, Fertilizers, Soil conditioners and more. An agrochemical or agrichemical a short form of the agricultural chemical is a chemical substance used in agricultural processes – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class 12

What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class
What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class
  • In this article, we will learn Agrochemicals,
    Fertilizers, Soil conditioners and more
    from Online Class 12 Biology
  • An agrochemical or agrichemical a short form of
    the agricultural chemical is a chemical substance
    used in agricultural processes.  It is a
    substance that is used by humans for the
    management of an agricultural ecosystem.
    Agrochemicals include fertilizers, liming and
    acidifying agents (which are designed to change
    the pH), soil conditioners, pesticides, and
    chemicals used in the raising of livestock such
    as antibiotics and hormones.
  • The use of agrochemicals has become critical in
    raising crops for food. Therefore, the use of
    agrochemicals is a prominent and important part
    of modern agriculture. Due to extensive
    agricultural practices on large farms, the
    challenges to keep the crops free of damage have
    increased on a priority basis.
  • Agrochemicals include
  • (1) Fertilizers
  • (2) Liming and acidifying agents
  • (3) Soil conditioners
  • (4) Pesticides and
  • (5) Chemicals that are used in animal
    husbandries, such as antibiotics and hormones.

What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class
  • Fertilizers
  • Fertilizers are substances manufactured in
    factories that are used to provide plant
    nutrients to the deficient soils. For
    example, urea and ammonium nitrate are synthetic
    substances that provide the plants/crops with the
    same nutrients that are found naturally in the
    soil.  Thus the fertilizers are used to encourage
    plant growth and increase crop yields. Most
    fertilizers contain varying amounts of nitrogen,
    phosphorus, and potassium, which are inorganic
    elements and are essential nutrients that plants
    need to grow.
  • What are fertilizers?
  • Materials used to increase plant growth,
    production, and increase health.
  • Six primary Nutrients
  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sulfur
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium

What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class
  •    Liming and acidifying agents
  • Agricultural soils are commonly very acidic or
    very alkaline, so they are not suitable for the
    growth of many crop species. So, certain
    chemicals have to be added to the soil to adjust
    the appropriate pH of the soil. The acidity of
    the soil can be caused by various factors like,
    acid rain (precipitation that contains weak
    sulphuric and nitric acids), the use of certain
    types of fertilizers, etc. In order to neutralize
    the acidic nature of the soil, acid-neutralizing
    (or liming) materials are used as the most
    important agrochemical. Acidic soils are
    neutralized by adding compounds that contain
    calcium, usually in the form of powdered
    limestone or crushed oyster or mussel shells.

What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class
  • The acidity of soil may also be neutralized by
    using faster-acting lime (Ca OH 2). The rate of
    application of acid-neutralizing substances in
    agriculture varies from several hundred pounds
    per acre per year to more than 1,000 pounds per
    acre per year. The rates depend on the acidity of
    the soil, the rate at which new acidity is
    generated, and the needs of specific crops.
  • Soil conditioners
  • Soil conditioners are materials that are used to
    increase its ability of the soil to hold water
    and oxygen. Materials used as soil conditioners
    include peat (is an accumulation of partially
    decayed vegetation or organic matter), livestock
    manure, sewage sludge, and even shredded
    newspapers. Compost is an organic matter that has
    been decomposed and produces a soil conditioner.
    It is rich in nutrients and is considered to be
    the best soil conditioner because it keeps soil
    from becoming too acidic or too alkaline and
    supplies the soil with organic nutrients.

What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class
  • Importance of soil conditioners
  • Many soil conditioners are designed to improve
    soil structure in some way.
  • Soils tend to become compacted over time, which
    is bad for plants, and soil conditioners can add
    more loft and texture to keep the soil loose.
  • They also add nutrients, enriching the soil and
    allowing plants to grow bigger and stronger.
  • Soil conditioners improve the water retention in
    dry, coarse soils which are not holding water
    well, and they can be added to adjust the PH of
    the soil to meet the needs of specific plants or
    to make highly acidic or alkaline soils more
  • Pesticides
  • Pesticides are the chemicals used to eradicate
    the presence of pests. Pests are a destructive
    insect or another animal that attacks crops,
    food, livestock, etc Pesticides are grouped
    according to the types of pests which they kill
  • Insecticides insects.
  • Herbicides weeds (Weeds are unwanted wild plants
    that grow in the field. Weeds compete with the
    crop for nutrients, light, and space.)
  • Rodenticides rodents (rats and mice)
  • Bactericides bacteria.
  • Fungicides fungi.
  • Larvicides larvae.

What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class
  • Agrochemicals used for animal husbandry
  • Animal Husbandry is a branch of agriculture which
    is concerned with the breeding and caring for
    livestock animals.  Livestock animals include
    cows, horses, chickens, goats, pigs, or
    any animal that is raised for meat, wool, or
    other functional use.  A large number of farmers
    in India depend on animal husbandry for their
    livelihood. In addition to supplying milk, meat,
    eggs, wool, their castings (dung) and
    hides, animals, like bullocks, are the major
    source of power for farmers. Thus, animal
    husbandry plays a chief role in the rural
  • Contagious diseases of livestock pose an
    important problem in modern agriculture. This is
    especially true when animals are being reared at
    a high density, for example, in feed-lots.
     A feedlot or feed yard is a type of
    animal feeding operation (AFO) which is used in
    intensive animal farming for finishing livestock,
    like beef cattle, but also swine, horses, sheep,
    turkeys, chickens or ducks, prior to slaughter.

What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class
  • Various agrochemicals are used to control
    infectious diseases and parasites when animals
    are reared on large scale. Antibiotics are
    important in this respect. Antibiotics are
    administered by injection whenever bacterial
    diseases are diagnosed, or sometimes administered
    with the feed, as a prophylactic treatment to
    prevent the occurrence of infections. In such
    crowded conditions, antibiotics must be
    administered routinely to animals.  Sometimes,
    hormones and other animal-growth regulators are
    used to increase the productivity of livestock.
    For example, bovine growth hormone (BGH) is
    routinely administered in some agricultural
    systems to increase the growth rates of cows and
    their milk production.

What are Agrochemicals? Biology Notes for Class
  • Clear your doubts on an hourly basis with experts
    of Science, click live classes for Class 12
    Biology to know more.
  • A complete learning module for Biology,
    chemistry, and physics through virtual videos is
    a perfect solution for study at home. For free
    demo visit www.takshilalearning.com 
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