Title: CPSS 315 Teaching Effectively/tutorialrank.com
1CPSS 315 Teaching Effectively/tutorialrank.com
2CPSS 315 Teaching Effectively/tutorialrank.com
CPSS 315 Week 1 Social Psychology With Offenders
Worksheet For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Respond to the
following in 100 to 150 words each
3CPSS 315 Teaching Effectively/tutorialrank.com
CPSS 315 Week 2 Attributions And Behavior
Presentation For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Have you ever
behaved in a way that went against a belief or
value that you have? Why did this happen? What
influenced your behavior in that moment? When we
understand our own reasons for going against our
beliefs or values, we are better able to
understand how this may happen with offenders.
This assignment asks you to
4CPSS 315 Teaching Effectively/tutorialrank.com
CPSS 315 Week 3 Social Influences Presentation
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Influences from people's social
environments have an effect on their beliefs and
behaviors, but they may not understand that
influence. This assignment asks you to examine
different social influences and the effects they
may have on offender behavior.
5CPSS 315 Teaching Effectively/tutorialrank.com
CPSS 315 Week 4 Analysis Of Prejudice,
Discrimination, And Aggression During Offender
Rehabilitation For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Issues related
prejudice, discrimination, and aggression are
present in many different aspects of offender
behavior and interactions. Sometimes it could be
an offender's prejudicial attitude that produces
a negative consequence, but it could also be
aspects of t
6CPSS 315 Teaching Effectively/tutorialrank.com