Title: ABA Therapy Sydney Aspire Early Intervention Services..
1We are always looking for motivated people to
join our team. If you believe you would make a
competent Program Manager, Senior Therapist or
RBT, please read the role descriptions below.
2As a Program Manager, you will be responsible for
the design, implementation and evaluation of
programs and behaviour intervention plans for
children. Program Managers will also be involved
in the training and development of and senior
therapists to ensure the effective delivery of
the program. This will involve overlapping with
new therapists on each case until confident that
the new therapist can work independently. Program
Managers are responsible for responding to parent
enquiries about the childs program and depending
on their availability, they may also conduct one
on one therapy with a child prior to team
meetings or in between team meetings. Program
Managers will take detailed notes at team
meetings, including specific programs,
instructions, behavioural interventions, new
materials needed and any parent training which
may be recommended. You will be responsible for
answering therapists questions and ensure
consistency across programs by reading notes and
data and speaking with the team to address
specific concerns. You will need to implement
changes made at team meetings, which includes
adding new programs with specific instructions to
the therapy team about how each program should
3Key result areas Ongoing supervision and program
management of individual clients Presentation at
and Senior Therapist training workshops Preparatio
n and implementation of and Senior Therapist
assessments Assist the Clinical Director and
Human Resources Consultant in the and Senior
Therapist performance reviews Modification/review
of current training presentations Conduct client
intakes Implementation of external
workshops/presentations Attendance and summary
report/presentation at conferences Ongoing
education and training, and/or research
project/presentation (e.g. poster presentation),
and/or business proposal (approved by Clinical
Director) Attendance at Program Manager meetings
every 4 weeks Minimum 3 client review feedback
forms and one team meeting video to be provided
to Clinical director prior to Program Manager
4Contact us Sydney Head Office37/8 Avenue of
the AmericasNewington NSW 2127Tel 612 9648
4442Email info_at_aspireearlyintervention.comMond
ay - Friday830am - 5pm