Title: Brandon L Rodammer - Experienced Professional
1Brandon Rodammer
Construction/Window Specialist at Hartzell
Construction and Renovation Former General
Manager at Cafe Vecino
2(No Transcript)
3Brandon Rodammer is determined about using his
sales experience, customer service, and
communication skills, as well as my networking
abilities to create a great network. He has
mentored a number of people through his unmatched
mentoring skills.
4Brandon Lee Rodammer is known for his excellent
sales, service, and cross-selling experience. He
has superior interpersonal, analytical, and
organizational skills and is known for great
multitasking capability and energetic individual.
5Brandon L Rodammer got his Bachelors Degree in
Organizational Communications from the University
of Central Florida in August 1998. He is a
supporter of a strong connection with clients.
6Brandon Lee Rodammer has strong customer
relationship management abilities and he surely
knows how to manage his work. His ability to
develop a plan and conveying it to his team is
7Brandon Rodammer is known for his strong ability
to yield results in a team environment and
individually utilize a take charge attitude
with self-motivation and commitment.
8Brandon L Rodammer has strong capability to coach
and train individuals to develop and employ sales
To know more about him visit his official site