Title: Submitting your Revised Manuscript to the Medical Journal
1How to Submit your Revised Manuscript to the
Medical Journal?
2- Its very rare that you submit your manuscript to
a peer-reviewed journal and dont receive a
request to revise it. Most journals ask to revise
your submission at least three or four times
before its finally accepted. - If that sounds cumbersome to you, this article is
not for you. - Because receiving a request from the journal
editors to revise your manuscript is far better
than absolute rejection. It means that your idea,
your research and your manuscript struck a chord
in the reviewers minds.
3How should you go about submitting your revised
manuscript to the medical journal?
41) Ask the following questions to the journal
editor if their decision letter doesnt clarify it
- Whether to highlight the revisions in your
submission. - If yes, what will be the preferred mode of
highlighting change-tracking, yellow
highlighting or colored text? - Does the medical journal want you to submit two
versions of the revised manuscript? One with the
changes highlighted and a clean version?
52) Submit a response letter accompanying your
revised manuscript. Follow these tips to write a
good response letter.
- Start the letter by acknowledging the time and
effort reviewers and editors have put into
assessing the previous version of your
manuscript. - List each of the reviewers comments into your
response letter followed by a comment. The
comment should clearly state the way you
addressed the issue in the revised manuscript. - If you choose not to change the manuscript in
response to a particular suggestion from the
reviewers, explain why.
63) Dont respond individually to each spelling or
punctuation or similar trivial errors. A
statement like I corrected all the spelling and
grammatical errors pointed out by the reviewers
is sufficient. 4) If English is not your first
language and you hire a professional manuscript
writing service to polish your writing, state
this to the journal editors. This shows youve
done what you can to minimize the language errors
in the manuscript.
75) Finally, dont conclude the response letter
with an audacious quote like I have made all the
corrections requested by the reviewers and expect
them to accept my manuscript without further
ado! It shows your disrespect towards the
reviewers. Wind up the letter by saying I look
forward to hearing from you in due time regarding
my journal submission and to respond to any
further questions and comments you may have.
8To improve your manuscript acceptance rate
contact our journal publication support experts.
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