Title: Common mistakes made when purchasing four-wheeler insurance
21. Looking for minimum cost
- Although cost is an important and deciding factor
when it comes to buying an insurance plan, it is
not the only factor. Buying an insurance plan
keeping solely the costs in mind is a very unwise
decision. It is not necessary that the cheapest
policy will also be the best policy. Ensure that
the Car Insurance that you purchase covers
damages caused by natural calamities, man-made
calamities, and personal accidents as well.
32. Buying the first policy you see
- Do not buy the first policy that you see. There
are hundreds of highly competitively priced
insurance policies available in the market. To
avail the best offer in your price range, you
should use www.policies365.com to compare car
insurance online.
43. Not paying attention to the technical details
- This is the most commonly committed mistake by
insurance purchasers all over the world.
Difficult technical terms and legal language in
insurance policy paperwork can unnecessarily
complicate the situation. It is recommended that
you ask your policy provider to explain the
details that you do not understand in clear,
unambiguous terms.
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