Title: Oak Park Daycare
1Welcome to
2Oak Park Daycare
3We Value...
- Free play
- Outdoor exploration
- Respect for the young child
- Rhythm and routine
- Anti-bias communication
- Expression through art
- Positive discipline
- Family engagement
- Nutrition
- Age-appropriate household tasks and self care
4Cait Bowes
I have been working with young children for over
a decade. I hold a Master's Degree in Early
Childhood Education from National Louis
University. I left a preschool teaching position
to open a small home daycare when I had my first
child. I believe the home daycare model is the
perfect balance of socialization and nurturing
that children need in the first years of their
life. I am passionate about my work, and honored
by the trust families show when they allow me to
care for their children.
5About our day
Our children explore and expand within the safe
framework of a predictable daily rhythm. We
approach transitions between activities slowly
and mindfully.
6We greet families at the door at 800am. Parents
assist the children in hanging their coats and
removing their shoes.
- Indoor Free Play
- Tidy Up
- Breakfast Circle time
- Art Activity
- Outdoor Play
- Lunch
- Nap and Quiet time
- Snack
- Free Play
7Contact Us
Chickadee Playschool
Oak Park, IL info_at_chickadeeplayschool.com Phone
Number 773-575-3945
8Thank You For Watching
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