Title: RES 725 expect success/newtonhelp.Com
1RES 725 expect success/newtonhelp.Com
2RES 725 Week 1 Individual Assignment Presentation
of Findings Quantitative Correlational Study
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- Complete Smart Alexs tasks 1 2 in Ch. 6 of
the Field text (p. 195). -
- Write a paper, 5 to 10 pages not including front
matter and references, reporting your results.
This paper serves as practice for writing Chapter
Four of your dissertation. -
- Include references to support your work.
3RES 725 Week 2 Comparing Two Means
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- RES 725 Week 2 Comparing Two Means
- Chapter 4 of a dissertation is used to present
your findings from the data you gathered during
your research. Your data should be presented in a
logical order and in sufficient detail which
includes output from SPSS including tables,
graphs and other visual representations of data
created by the software.
4RES 725 Week 2 Individual Assignment Presentation
of Findings T Test
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- Run a dependent (paired samples) t test on
spiderRM.sav, and an independent t test on
spiderBG.sav in SPSS. -
- Write a paper, 5 to 10 pages not including front
matter and references, reporting your results.
This paper serves as practice for writing Chapter
Four of your dissertation. -
- Include references to support your work.
5RES 725 Week 3 Individual Assignment Presentation
of Findings Analysis of Variance
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- Load Viagra.sav into SPSS and replicate the
analysis in Section 10.3 in Ch. 10 (p. 375) of
the Field text. -
- Write a paper, 5 to 10 pages not including front
matter and references, reporting your results.
This paper serves as practice for writing Chapter
Four of your dissertation. -
- Include references to support your work.
6RES 725 Week 4 Individual Assignment Presentation
of Findings Factorial Analysis of Variance
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- Load goggles.sav into SPSS and replicate the
factorial in Section 12.3.1 in Ch. 12 (pp.
430431) of the Field text. -
- Write a paper, 5 to 10 pages not including front
matter and references, reporting your results.
The paper must be well written and readable, just
as Chapter Four of your dissertation will be. -
- Include references to support your work.
7RES 725 Week 5 Individual Assignment Presentation
of Findings Repeated Measures Analysis of
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- Use the file tutormarks.sav explained in Ch. 13
(p. 504) of the Field text, under Smart Alexs
tasks 1 2. -
- Write a paper, 5 to 10 pages not including front
matter and references, reporting your results.
The paper must be well written and readable, just
as Chapter Four of your dissertation will be. -
- Include references to support your work.
8RES 725 Week 6 Individual Assignment Presentation
of Findings Friedmans Analysis of Variance
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- Use diet.sav for the diet example with ranks
(Table 15.5) in Ch. 15 (p. 574) and put it into
SPSS to do a Freidmans as the textbook does. -
- Complete a test for normality before you do the
analysis. -
- Write a paper, 5 to 10 pages not including front
matter and references, reporting your results.
This paper serves as practice for writing Chapter
Four of your dissertation.
9RES 725 Week 7 Individual Assignment Presentation
of Findings Multivariate Analysis of Variance
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- Review the data as directed in Sections 16.3.2
and 16.6.1 in Ch. 16 of the Field text (pp. 587
606). -
- Calculate the MANOVA test statistic,
Pillai-Bartlett trace (V), -
- Hotellings T 2, Wilks lambda, and Roys largest
root. -
10RES 725 Week 8 Individual Assignment Presentation
of Findings Factor Analysis
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- Load SAQ.sav into SPSS and review the data as
directed in Section 17.5 of Ch. 17 of the Field
text (p. 645). -
- Extract the factors using principal component
analysis in SPSS. See Section 17.6 in the Field
text for directions (p. 650). -
11RES 725 expect success/newtonhelp.Com