Title: Are Your Tyres Suffering from Tyre Dry Rot?
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2Have you ever noticed tiny cracks along the
sidewalls of your tyres? If so, they could be
suffering from tyre dry rot. The main causes of
these cracks are inactivity, excessive heat and
low tyre pressure but theyre most likely to
appear when the car has been left in one place
for a long time. Even, the best tyres such as
Bridgestone tyres or Pirelli tyres can fall
victim, so if youve got a vehicle that youre
not using regularly, it may be worth checking
your tyres.
3What are the Signs of Tyre Dry Rot?
- Anything thats made from rubber or plastic will
degrade naturally over time. The severity of this
degradation is dependent on a number of factors
including the climate, temperature and humidity.
With tyres, the rubber will also start to degrade
if the air pressure is not at an optimum level or
if the vehicle is rarely or infrequently used.
- Even if you have top quality Kumho tyres on your
vehicle, if youre not using it often youre
likely to notice that the surface of the tyre
will start to become hard and brittle as the oils
in the rubber used to make the tyres starts to
evaporate. This causes the chemical bonds within
the rubber to break down.
4Why Does Dry Rot Occur?
As weve already mentioned, dry rot usually
occurs on tyres that are rarely used and that
have low inflation levels. Add to this, constant
exposure to hot sun and the effects of dry rot
can be speeded up. So, if youre storing a car in
hot temperatures, your tyres are likely to
deteriorate more quickly. It may also happen if
the tyres on your car are old.
5Can Dry Rot Be Prevented?
If you use your vehicle infrequently, for example
if its a classic car which you get out on rare
occasions, its always best to store it in a
climate-controlled area with boards underneath
the tyres. You also need to regularly check that
your tyres are inflated in line with the
manufacturers recommendations.
6Can Tyres with Dry Rot be Repaired?
If you catch your tyres early enough, they can be
repaired by sealing the cracks with a water-based
tyre product. Products containing petrochemicals
or silicone should be avoided. Unfortunately,
unless you catch your tyres before the cracks
become obvious, tyre rot usually means
replacement rather than repair.
7Contact Us
Campsie, Roselands, Miranda, Sutherland
(02) 9197 7019
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