Title: BSHS455 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
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This Tutorial contains All Latest Assignments
(Week 3 Team Assignment contains Part A only)
BSHS 455 Week 1 Individual Assignment
Conceptualizing Addiction (New Syllabus) BSHS
455 Week 2 Team Assignment Functioning Addicts
Presentation (New Syllabus) BSHS 455 Week 2
Individual Team Assignment The Effects of
Addiction Paper (New Syllabus)
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Compare and
contrast two models of conceptualizing
addiction. Write a 1,050-to 1,400-word paper
briefly describing the models, how they are
synergistic, or how they take competing
views. Include a summary about which theory you
feel is
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BSHS 455 Week 1 Individual Assignment
Conceptualizing Addiction Instructions This is
a two-part assignment. Part A will help you
identify themultifaceted nature of drugs. In Part
B, you will then be able to identifywhat
addiction is. How does addiction impact an
individual, a familysystem and a community? What
are some possible solutions to addressthis issue?
What are the limitations in treatment?
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BSHS 455 Week 2 Individual Team Assignment The
Effects of Addiction Paper Instructions For
this assignment, you will gain a comprehensive
view of addiction byusing the example provided in
the video. In addition, researching
peerreviewedarticles will help you incorporate
some of the research beingdone in the field.
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BSHS 455 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment
Functioning Addicts Presentation
Instructions In this assignment, you will work
as a team to challenge themisconceptions of
addiction. You will also identify the impact
ofaddiction on the family, workplace, and
community. For thisassignment, work together as
though you currently work at acommunity agency
and have been asked to give a talk to a local
highschool. Choose a character from a movie or TV
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Refer to the
Intervention Series 38 Anthony video located
in this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings. Write
a 1,050-to 1,400-word integrative paper that
explores how Anthonys addiction affects his
life, his familys life, and the community he
lives in. Include at least two peer-reviewed
scholarly art
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Read the instructions in the University
Dual-Diagnosis Role-Play, and select one option
to complete the assignment. You can choose from
the following options
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BSHS 455 Week 3 Individual Team Assignment
Special Population Presentation
Instructions This assignment allows you the
opportunity to identify a specialpopulation and
discuss challenges and characteristics that
mayinfluence addictive behaviors. Select a
special population from this week's readings.
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BSHS 455 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment
Community Mental Health Agency
Instructions This week, your Learning Team has
the opportunity to envision acommunity health
agency. Part A Discuss as a team the following
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Select an
assessment from Chemical Dependency A Systems
Approach with faculty approval and administer the
instrument to someone you know who drinks, uses
drugs, or both. Provide an analysis regarding the
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Create an outline of major treatment
approaches. Include at least five treatment
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BSHS 455 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment
Outline of Treatment Approaches
Instructions Working as a team, this assignment
will help you to describe anddiscuss methods of
treatment for an addiction. You will also work
todetermine what treatments will be most
effective for various specialpopulations.
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BSHS 455 Week 5 Individual Assignment A
Substance Abuse Treatment Program Evaluation
Instructions Imagine you are looking for a
highly successful substance abusetreatment
program within an established organization in
yourcommunity. You will be showcasing this
program at the Annual Human Service Conference
next month. The criteria t
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers After watching
the The War on Drugs Winners and Losers video
and reading Chemical Dependency A Systems
Approach, take a stand on legalization,
decriminalization, or status quo regarding how
drug use is treated in our society.
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