Title: Signs that Indicate to Replace the Windshield Wipers
1Signs That Indicate to Replace the Windshield
2The windshield wipers of your car should always
be properly working in order to have good
visibility in all weather conditions.
3We always neglect these rubbers and only think,
when not able to see the road on a foggy day and
instead the rubbing noises become annoying.
4So, let us find some of the common signs that
indicate to get the windshield wiper replaced
5Hear scratching sounds
6As the spongy rubber blades on the wipers wear
down or tear, you may hear an annoying
metal-on-glass sound during each swipe.
7This situation warrants an immediate fix to the
windshield wipers in order to get rid of the
8Deposit of ice clumps
9When winter winds drive snow on the windshield,
the melting slush rolls down the glass, sticking
to the windshield wipers.
10In case, the ice chunks don't break away and get
caught in the rubber blades after a few
rotations, your wipers may need to be adjusted or
11Blades start to peel-up
12When peering out the windshield, you notice the
ends of the rubber blades flapping in the wind
because they're becoming loose.
13 The sun's UV rays alone can be enough to degrade
the rubber on blades, drying them out and causing
them to crack and peel.
14No contact between glass rubber
15 When you notice the rubber blades aren't making
contact with the windshield, the blades may be
worn down or misaligned.
16 The wiper arms have a spring that keeps them in
contact with the windshield and if needed, the
entire arm may need to be replaced.
17Dirty windshields
18The blades seem to hop across the windshield,
then add some water repellent to the windshield
to help the wiper blades glide more easily, clear
away dirt.
19 But after applying a few squirts of
windshield-washer fluid, you find that with each
pass the wipers seem to make a mess, then the
windshield wipers need to be replaced.
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