Title: Nobroker-Pay Rent using Credit Card
NoBroker Pay is Here! Start paying your rent in
30 seconds
2Pay Rent With Credit Card Online
Earn money just by paying your rent! NO Extra
Digital Rent Receipts Generate rent receipts
instantly and claim your HRA with ease. Get rent
receipts sent directly to your email ID.
No hidden Cost All payments on NoBroker Pay are
free of charge and there are ZERO hidden fees.
Pay with Credit Card
Earn miles, get cash back and reward
points by paying with your redit card or debit
NoBroker Trust NoBroker Pay is a product by
NoBroker and is 100 secure with PCI compliant
payment gateway.
3Earn money with NoBroker Pay
Start paying rent using your credit card and earn
miles, cashback and reward points
You can earn up to ?30,000 by just paying rent
for a year by using your credit card.
This is calculated assuming an annual rent of 4
Lakhs on an Amex Platinum Travel Credit Card.
4Steps to Pay Property Rent online
Rent Credited! Your rent is
credited to your landlords bank account within 2
working days!
Fill Rent Detail Provide your
landlord details, and we will setup your account.
Make Payment Make payment through
your credit card or debit card.
5Sign Up
6Thank You !