Title: BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
1BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
2BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 All Assignments (2 Set)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers for each
Assignment -
- BUS 325 Week 2 Assignment 1 Culture (2 Papers)
- BUS 325 Week 4 Assignment 2 Expatriates (2
Papers) - BUS 325 Week 5 Assignment 3 Recruiting (2 PPT)
3BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 1 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 1 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- 1. An expatriate
- 2. Which of the following is not a
category of an employee in an international firm? - 3. Which department of an organization is
the major user of language translation services? - 4. Tax equalization policies concerning
expatriates are designed to - 5. The direct costs of international
assignment failures can be as high as ___times
the costs of those for similar failure in a
domestic assignment - 6. One major difference between domestic
and international HRM is
4BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 1-10 Quiz, Midterm (All Possible
Question) -
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- This Tutorial contains Chapter 1-10 All
Questions/Answer -
- BUS 325 Chapter 1 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- BUS 325 Chapter 2 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- BUS 325 Chapter 3 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- BUS 325 Chapter 4 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- BUS 325 Chapter 5 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- BUS 325 Chapter 6 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- BUS 325 Chapter 7 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- BUS 325 Chapter 8 Quiz (All Possible Question)
5BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 2 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 2 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- 1. Cross-cultural management research is
based on the assumption that - 2. A major criticism of cross-cultural
management studies is - 3. Scheins concept of culture consists
of - 4. Hofstedes cultural dimensions are
- 5. Individualism vs. collectivism refers
to - 6. Under Confucianism dynamics,
orientations can be either
6BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 3 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 3 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- 1. Born globals are
- 2. Typically the initial stage of a firm
entering international operations is - 3. Which category of employee is
typically used in key sales subsidiary position
in a new developing international company - 3. Which category of employee is
typically used in key sales subsidiary position
in a new developing international company - 5. Which stage of international
operations tend to create a separate
international division in a company
7BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 4 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 4 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- 1. Cross-border alliances are
- 2. A characteristic of a non-equity cross
border alliance is - 3. Equity modes of foreign operations car
be best described as - 4. A major reason to engage in a merger
or acquisition is to - 5. Typical HR problems arising in cross
border MA involve all of the following EXCEPT - 6. The due diligence phase of a MA is
- 7. Integration planning phase of MA are
all of the following except - 8. Advising management on dealing with
people issues normally occur in which MA b
8BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 5 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 5 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- 1. Ethnocentric organizations are best
characterized by - 2. All of the following is an approach to
managing and staffing subsidiaries EXCEPT - 3. A sound business reason for pursing an
ethnocentric staffing policy is
9BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 6 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 6 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- 1. Performance management
- 2. The turbulence of the global
environment requires that long-term goals be - 3. Market development in foreign
subsidiaries is generally slower and more
difficult to achieve without - 4. The impact of the following variables
and their interrelationship needs to be
considered in determining the expatriate
performance EXCEPT - 5. The employee who oversees and directs
the entire foreign operations is
10BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 7 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 7 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- 1. A multinational builds it stock of
human resources or human capital by - 2. An indication of how important
training and development has become in
multinationals is reflected in that they have - 3. A useful way for employees to gain a
broader perspective of an MNE is - 4. Components of pre-departure training
programs include all of the following Except - 5. What is the most common form of
pre-departure training? - 6. If an expected level of interaction
with local host country employees is low and
similarity between the parent and the host
country is high, the
11BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 8 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 8 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- 1. Successfully managing compensation
and benefits in a multinational context - 2. In a domestic context, base salary
- 3. Which of the following is the
foundation block for international compensation
whether the employee is a PCN or TCN? - 4. Which of the following involves a
payment to compensate for differences in
expenditures between the home country and the
foreign country? - 5. The provision of a housing allowance
12BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 9 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 9 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- 1. In Sweden and Germany the term
collective bargaining means - 2. Conglomerate unions are
- 3. A lack of familiarity by multinational
managers of local industrial and political
conditions has - 4. McDonalds company policy is to staff
its restaurants with - 5. A multinational firm usually delegates
the management of industrial relations to - 6. Greater emphasis on formal management
controls and close reporting systems tend to be
present in - 7. Poor subsidiary performance tends to
- 8. Which country has the highest level of
union membership?
13BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 10 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Chapter 10 Quiz (All Possible Question)
- 1. The general affairs aspect of IHRM
refers to - 2. For the ethical absolutist
- 3. When in Rome, do as the Romans do is
an example of - 4. The need for international accords and
corporate codes of conducts have - 5. What are the two most frequent ethical
problems encountered by international managers?
14BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Midterm Exam Part 1 and 2 (All Possible
Questions) -
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- One advantage of a matrix structure is
- A matrix structure
- The second stage of a new international company
typically involves which department - Born globals are
- Korean conglomerates have a strong preference
for - The think global, act local paradox
- A common theme between heterarchy, matrix and
transnational is - Typically the initial stage of a firm entering
international operations is
15BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Week 1-11 Discussion Questions
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- WEEK 1 Discussion When you think of a global
organization, what company do you think of and
why? What do you believe has made them successful
on a global level? -
- WEEK 2 Find a recent article (within the last
year) that discusses company culture. Summarize
the article, and explain the main point you
believe the article was trying to convey. - WEEK 3 Based on your reading this week, determine
two (2) of the challenges facing intercultural
teams, and suggest how to overcome each of those
challenges. - WEEK 4 Based on Chapters 3 and 4, analyze two (2)
of the major hardships facing expatriates on
their return home after a lengthy assignment.
What would your biggest challenge be if you were
an expatriate?
16BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Week 2 Assignment 1 Culture (2 Papers)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- Assignment 1 Culture
- Due Week 2 and worth 200 points
- Imagine you work for a company that has recently
merged with an overseas company. Write a brief
introduction to your company as well as the
company that was purchased. Then develop an eight
to ten (8-10) point checklist detailing what
steps you would take as the HR manager to help
unify the culture of both companies. -
17BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Week 4 Assignment 2 Expatriates (2
Papers) -
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- Assignment 2 Expatriates
- Imagine you are an HR manager, and you have been
challenged with the task of reducing expatriate
turnover. Think of one or two (1-2) strategies to
accomplish this task, and write a one (1) page
memo to your boss summarizing your ideas.
Persuade him that this is the direction to go. -
18BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Week 5 Assignment 3 Recruiting (2 PPT)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 PPT
- Assignment 3 Recruiting
- Due Week 5 and worth 200 points
- Imagine you are presenting a new global
recruiting strategy to your boss. Choose either
Japan or Saudi Arabia, and research business
strategies for recruiting in your chosen region.
Identify the top three to five (3-5) factors that
would need to be considered when recruiting in
the country you chose. Close with a persuasive
summary on why you believe these factors are
important. Close with a persuasive summary that
explains why these factors are important.
Demonstrate your findings to your boss in the
form of a PowerPoint presentation. - Create a four to eight (4-8) slide PowerPoint in
which you
19BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Week 7 Assignment 4 On Boarding (2
Papers) -
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
- Assignment 4 On-boardingDue Week 7 and worth
200 points - In this assignment, you will create an outline of
an onboarding process. Summarize what you feel
are the 2 most important elements in onboarding
in the global environment.
20BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com
- BUS 325 Week 10 Assignment 5 Company Presentation
(2 PPT) -
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- This Tutorial contains 2 Presentations
- For this final assignment, imagine that all the
research and planning you did for the previous
four (4) assignments was part of a global HRM
plan your company is devising. You will need to
compile all of your findings and present them to
your companys upper management. - Based on the feedback you received for the
previous four (4) assignments, address any
concerns and update each area based on what you
learned throughout this course. -
21BUS 325 Experience Tradition/newtonhelp.com