Title: Telephone Do’s
1Telephone Dos
Source www.answeringservicecare.net
2Dont let it ring more than 3 times. Answer
with a positive greeting.
Source www.answeringservicecare.net
3Give your name and organization. Words should
be enunciated and said slow.
Source www.answeringservicecare.net
4If someone must be put on hold, ask for
permission first. Give him on her the option to
leave a voicemail message.
Source www.answeringservicecare.net
5When a caller is speaking, listen without
interruptions. Ask the persons name before
transferring the call.
Source www.answeringservicecare.net
6Source https//www.answeringservicecare.net,
Information shared above is the personal opinion
of the author and not affiliated with the website.