Title: NDA Coaching in Chandigarh
1Welcome to Delhi Career group
2 NDA (National Defence Academy)
- NDA (National Defence Academy) exam is conducted
by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). - All candidates who are interested in joining
Indian Army, Navy or Air Force, can appear for
NDA examination. -
- NDA exam is known as the best way to join the
Indian defence forces as an officer. - The NDA is located at Khadakwasla near Pune, Mah
arashtra. -
- It is the first tri-service academy in the world.
4Number of Vacancies
National Defence Academy (Total 360) 208 Army,
60 Navy, 92 Air Force
5 NDA Exam Dates
Event NDA(1) NDA(2)
Application from available 9 th January 2019 7 th August 2019
End date to submit the application 4 th February 2019 3 rd September 2019
Admit card release 1 or 2 weeks before the exam 1 or 2 weeks before the exam
Exam date 21 st April 2019 17 th November 2019
Declaration of result May 2019 November 2019
6 NDA Eligibility Criteria
Age For April Exam Age For November Exam Age Limit For Written Exam Age Limit For SSB
2nd July 2000 to 1st July 2003 2nd January 2001 to 1st July 2004 16.5gt19.5 16.5gt19.5
Qualification 12 th Class of 102 System of Education/Equivalent for Army and with Physics and Maths for AF amp Navy
Gender amp Marital Criteria Male Unmarried
Likely SSB Date September to October and January to April
Training Academy NDA, Khadakwasla near Pune, Maharashtra
Duration of Training 3 Years at NDA and 1 Year at IMA(For Army cadets) 3 Years at NDA and 1 Year at Naval Academy(For Naval cadets) 3 Years at NDA and 1 amp 1/2 Years at AFA Hyderabad (For AF cadets)
8 Center Locations
Training Center AFA (Telangana), IMA (Dehradun), INA (Kerala)
SSB Center Army Kapurthala, Allahabad, Bhopal, Bangalore Air Force Dehradun, Mysore, Gandhinagar, Varanasi Navy Tamil Nadu, Bangalore
9 Physical Standards
Candidates must be physically amp mentally fit
as per the physical standards maintained by the
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy
Examination 2019 as per guidelines given in
Appendix-IV. A candidate who has resigned or
withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from any of the
training academies of Armed Forces is not
eligible to apply.
10Army Air Force/Navy
Height in (cm) 157-158 162-163
Weight in (Kg) 45-48 50-51
Eyesight 1. Myopia (Should not be more than -2.5D) 2. Hypermetropia (Should not be more than 3.5D) 1. Myopia (Should not be more than -0.7D) 2. Hypermetropia (Should not be more than 1.5D)
Body Tattoos Permanent tattoo are only permitted on inner face of forearm i.e. (from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm).
11 NDA Syllabus
The NDA syllabus will compriseOfMathematics, Engl
ish and General Knowledge(Physics, Chemistry,Gene
Movement,etc.) sections.
12 NDA Exam Pattern
Subjects Maximum Marks Duration
Mathematics 300 2.5 Hours
General Ability Test 600 2.5 Hours
Total 900
SSB Interview 900
Grand Total 1800
13(No Transcript)