Title: Best Document Management Solutions
1Best Document Management Solutions
- StockHolding Document Management Sevices Limited
(StockHolding DMS) is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited
(StockHolding), which is a single window provider
to the financial services sector in India. - StockHolding DMS has been incorporated in the
year 2006 with the objectives - To provide End to End Document Management
Solutions. - To provide Information Technology Enabled
Services (ITeS). -
- StockHolding DMS currently manages its operations
from SHCIL House, Mahape, Navi Mumbai and provide
best document management system . The services
are provided from 180 SHCIL branch locations
across India.
Phone No 022- 6177 8741 info_at_stockholdingdms.c
om http//www.stockholdingdms.com
- StockHolding Document Management Sevices Limited
(StockHolding DMS) has following services - Physical Record Management Solution
- Digitization Service
- Secure Document Destruction Services
- Hosted Services
- Virtual Data Room
- Enterprise Cloud Services
Phone No 022- 6177 8741 info_at_stockholdingdms.c
om http//www.stockholdingdms.com
One of the foremost services provided by
StockHolding DMS is the Robotic storage in Mahape
and Metal Carton storage facility for management
of clients records available across 21 branch
locations in India. By incorporating modern
techniques of storage like regulated air flow,
temperature control, humidity control and pest
Phone No 022- 6177 8741 info_at_stockholdingdms.c
om http//www.stockholdingdms.com
StockHolding DMS provides digital conversion of
Physical documents. The main advantage of such
service is that the document (image) stays secure
digitally. StockHolding DMS has longstanding
experience and substantial expertise in all the
key areas of scanning, conversion and imaging and
has invested considerable resource to advance the
digitization process to level, which will match
even the most challenging digitization
assignments. Various kinds of scanners are used
in StockHolding DMS to suit the various document
size requirements of the clients.
Phone No 022- 6177 8741 info_at_stockholdingdms.c
om http//www.stockholdingdms.com
StockHolding Document Management Services
Limited, SHCIL House, Plot No. P-51, T.T.C.
Industrial Area, MIDC, Mahape, Navi Mumbai
Phone No 022- 6177 8741 info_at_stockholdingdms.c
om http//www.stockholdingdms.com