Title: How to Get Fresh Breath in a Jiffy (2)
1How to Get Fresh Breath in a Jiffy
2How to Get Fresh Breath in a Jiffy
Polite company dictates that we need to have
fresh breath at all times. After all, bad breath
is bad breath, no matter how much you sugarcoat
Check out these helpful tips for a quick solution
that gets rid of bad breath fast.
Source www.kyrenefamilydentistry.com
3How to Get Fresh Breath in a Jiffy
Brush your teeth
If you dont have your own gear, ask for
toothpaste from a friend and use your finger to
brush your teeth. You can also dilute the
toothpaste in water and use it as a mouthwash.
4How to Get Fresh Breath in a Jiffy
Rinse your mouth
If you absolutely cannot get your hands on a tube
of toothpaste, then do the next best thing rinse
your mouth with water. Make sure you rinse the
sides thoroughly to get rid of any bacteria.
5How to Get Fresh Breath in a Jiffy
Chew on apples
Eating crunchy and healthy food can remove food
and bacteria that may be caught between your
6How to Get Fresh Breath in a Jiffy
Chew sugarless gum
This has the handy effect of freshening your
breath, while at the same time, fighting the
cavities and bacteria in your mouth.
7How to Get Fresh Breath in a Jiffy
Chew on mint
No toothpaste or mouthwash in sight? Maybe
theres a garden near you. Grab some fresh mint
leaves and chew on them. In a pinch, even mint
tea can do wonders to your breath.
8How to Get Fresh Breath in a Jiffy
Chew on Parsley
Many meals come with a sprig of parsley as
garnish. Parsley has an enzyme that can reduce
odor-causing bacteria caused by your meal, such
as the extra strong flavor and smell of garlic.
9How to Get Fresh Breath in a Jiffy
Look for flavored lip gloss
If you are downright desperate to get rid of your
mouth odor, then apply flavored lip gloss. The
smell will mask your breath until you can find
the opportunity to brush your teeth.
10For more tips like this, visit our website
www.kyrenefamilydentistry.com Visit our
location at 5965 W.Ray Rd Suite 27 Chandler,
AZ 85226 Or Call us 480-705-9005