Title: Hair Transplant Costs
1The Knudsen Clinic 2018 ABN 69 052 992 775 Hair
Loss Treatments for Men and Women at our Hair
Transplant Clinics located in Sydney Melbourne
Brisbane Canberra Auckland
2Are you suffering from Hair Loss? We treat hair
loss. All types of hair loss, in men and women.
If you are suffering from hair loss or thinning
and you are looking for a solution, see the
experts in hair loss treatments that actually
work. We offer extensive treatment for people
suffering from male and female pattern balding,
thinning hair and any other cause of hair loss.
The Knudsen clinic was established in 1984 by Dr
Russell Knudsen MBBS, FFMACCS, FISHRS. Dr
Knudsens aim was to offer patients treatment for
hair loss that is effective, undetectable,
affordable and based on scientific research. He
has achieved his goal and has clinics in
Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and
Auckland New Zealand and has performed over 6000
hair transplants over 30 years of business. The
Knudsen Clinic is world renowned as a leader in
hair restoration, hair transplantation and the
treatment of all types of hair loss. Hair loss
treatments includes hairline lowering, scarring
hair loss from any cause, alopecia and eyebrow
transplants. Our website offers unbiased,
straightforward information and gives you the
opportunity to contact Dr Knudsen directly for
advice on hair loss treatment for you. Read more
about Dr Knudsens extensive experience in hair
3ARTAS Hair Transplant Surgery
Meet The ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System
The ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System brings
a whole new level of precision and accuracy to
FUE hair transplantation. Each graft is harvested
by the robot under the control of the surgeon and
then transplanted individually, so you can still
be sure you will have the most natural looking
results. Its a minimally invasive procedure,
which means minimal downtime, no stitches and no
linear scarring which can sometimes be associated
with other hair transplant methods. The Knudsen
Clinic is the first Hair Transplant Clinic in the
Southern Hemisphere to have the state of the art
ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System, situated in
its Sydney Clinic. ARTAS Hair Transplant
Robot The advantage of this innovative
technology over traditional FUE hair transplant
methods is that the Robotic technology enables
FUE to be performed with unparalleled precision
and speed.
4Cost For Hair Transplant
The cost for your hair transplant will depend on
the method of hair transplantation chosen and the
number of grafts that you require for your
procedure to deliver your desired results. Our
highly experienced doctors will discuss these
factors in detail during your consultation. The
Knudsen Clinic current cost schedule is shown
within this section. We offer both FUT utilising
the strip method for donor site extraction and
FUE using the latest in robotic technology for
the donor site harvesting. During your
consultation you will be informed of both
techniques and given the information to make an
educated decision.
5Female Hair Loss
Are You Suffering From Female Hair Loss?
Women can suffer from female pattern hair loss, a
related condition to MPB, but there are also
other factors that may affect women, like
hormonal changes, especially after childbirth or
just before or during menopause. Female pattern
hair loss has a variable inheritance being
strongly inherited through women in some cases
and perhaps through male relatives in other cases
who also may suffer from male hair loss. Hair
Transplant for Women Female Thinning Hair
Treatment Female Hair Transplant Most doctors
believe that the enzyme 5AR is involved but in
some cases the genetic coding of the hormone
receptor in the hair follicles seems to be
different to women not suffering female hair
loss. Female hair loss treatment includes hair
transplant for women. Contact us or give us a
call on 1800 685 399 to speak with a hair
transplant surgeon to discuss how we can taylor
your female thinning hair treatment.
6Hair Loss Treatments
What Are My Hair Loss Treatment Options?
So you know you are suffering from hair loss but
now you want to know how to treat it. You need a
consultation with an expert medical Doctor to
establish what the cause of your hair loss is. If
it is male hair loss or female pattern balding or
thinning then the best, most effective hair loss
treatments for men involve prescription
medications. In addition, over-the-counter
chemist products may be helpful. Shampoos and
conditioners have not proved to be helpful for
hair loss. The first thing that needs to be
treated is the cause of the hair loss.
Oral Enzyme Blockade
In the case of male or female pattern thinning it
is the DHT affecting the hair that is the main
reason for the reduction of the hair. So the DHT
must be reduced to stop further hair
miniaturisation and further hair loss. The way to
treat the DHT is with a medication with the
active ingredient Finasteride that partially
blocks the enzyme 5AR thereby reducing the
production of DHT. This is prescribed by a doctor
and taken orally. The dosage varies depending on
the degree of thinning.
Minoxidil is available as a liquid or foam that
is applied daily, directly to the areas of the
scalp affected. This product has been on the
market for over 20 years and is available over
the counter at most chemists. The way it works
is by stimulating the hair which lengthens the
growth cycle of the hair follicle.
LaserCap - Innovative Hair Loss Management Device
Laser (LLLT) works in the same way as Minoxidil,
by stimulating the follicles to lengthen the
growth cycle but the application is different.
There are many types of lasers to combat hair
loss on the market but most require the patient
to comb the laser back and forth through the hair
for at least 15 minutes which means that these
types of lasers are not very effective as the
application is too haphazard and tiresome. At the
Knudsen Clinic we sell LaserCapTM which is a
portable laser cap that can be worn under any
normal hat.
8Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)
Scalp micropigmentation is a cosmetic camouflage
therapy for hair thinning. It involves a very
superficial tattoo in the scalp using permanent
ink to create the illusion of greater coverage.
The tattoo is either a tiny dot, or in some
cases, a small linear stroke to recreate the look
of hairs exiting the scalp. SMP is useful in
women who need a fuller look and less visibility
of the scalp and can be combined with hair
transplantation in some cases, or used as a
stand-alone therapy. In men it can also be
combined with hair transplantation or used alone
to create a shaved bald look, particularly in
very bald men who dont have enough donor hairs
to successfully transplant the balding area.
Hair Transplant Surgery
The final and most effective hair loss solution
that guarantees an increase in hair in the
balding/thinning areas is hair transplant
surgery. Read more about the surgical hair
transplant procedure.
9What is Hair Transplant Surgery?
Hair transplant surgery is a procedure performed
under local anaesthetic with minor sedation,
where small, naturally-occurring groups of hairs
(follicular units grafts), are taken from the
back of the scalp (the area where the hairs have
naturally lower levels of DHT) and replanting the
graft in the areas of thinning or
balding. Grafts either have one, two or three
hairs in them, in their natural groupings. The
degree of balding or thinning of a person's hair
determines how many grafts will be needed. As the
hairs are taken in their natural groupings the
result of a hair transplant is undetectable and
looks completely natural.
Hair Clinic Locations
Knudsen Hair Clinic Sydney Level 2 / 45a Bay
Street Double Bay NSW, 2028 Australia Phone 02
9327 0300 Website https//www.knudsen.com.au Ema
il drknudsen_at_knudsen.com.au