Title: PPT
- BY
- Malnutrition is a condition that is result from
taking a diet that is deficient or excess in
nutrients. - The World Health Organization defined
malnutrition as the cellular imbalance between
the supply of nutrients and energy, and the
bodys demand for them to ensure growth,
maintenance, and specific functions (WHO, 2003). -
- Malnutrition is often used to refer to
undernutrition when there is inadequate supply of
calories, proteins or micronutrients (Young,
Micronutrient deficiency
- Malnutrition is a serious public health problem
affecting so many children in Nigeria.
Particularly Kebbi State, yet only little data
are available on its prevalence in children of
orphanages. This research aims at finding out
whether children in the area of study are well
nourished or not by providing available data, and
how the community can assist in combating
malnutrition and other diseases related to it. - The national data by NNHS (2015), revealed 58
of children in Kebbi State were stunted, 33.5
were underweight and 12.8 were malnourish (NNHS,
2015). - Haleemath et al. (2017) stated that lack of
reliable and comparable data on the incidence of
nutritional deficiencies is prevalent throughout
in the less developed countries.
- The aim of this study is to assess the
nutritional status of children in orphanage in
Birnin Kebbi Metropolis. - The specific objectives are
- Assess dietary pattern of the children
- Assess effect of dietary intake on anthropometric
indices - Screen the children for acute malnutrition using
MUAC - Assess effect of dietary intake on biochemical
parameters - Assess effect of dietary intake on skin folds
6Materials and Methods
- The following materials were used for data and
blood sample collection for analysis. - Questionnaire
- Seca weighing scale
- Flexible measuring tape and infantometer
- MUAC tape
- Skin fold Caliper
- Syringe
- Blood sample bottles
- Study participant
- A population of 40 children under-five years were
used for the study. - 27 were male and 13 were female.
- A sub sample consisting of 17 participants were
used for biochemical and hematological analysis
- Anthropometric data were collected by measuring
- weights,
- heights,
- mid upper arm circumference,
- skin folds thickness
- according to acceptable standard and in agreement
with WHO recommendations (WHO, 2006). -
- Serum Albumin using bromocresol method (Doumasa
et al., 1971) - serum total protein using Biuret method (Gomall,
1994) - Serum globulin by the method of (Turnwald and
Barta, 1989). - Albumin/globulin ratio using method of
(Rampengan et al., 2017)
- Serum cholesterol using method of Roeschlau et
al. (1974) - Serum triaglyceride by method of Jacobs and
Van-Dermark (1960) - Serum HDL by method of Lopez-Virella et al.
(1977). - Serum LDL by Method of Friedwald et al. 1972)
- Packed cell volume was determined by method of
Linne and Ringsrud (1979) - Hemoglobin using cynomethemoglobin method
(Drabkin and Austin, 1932)
12Assessment of dietary intake
- Information on dietary pattern was obtained using
- 24hour dietary recall,
- Three days recall and
- Food frequency questionnaire
- Data obtained during the study was imported to
IBM SPSS software version 20 for analysis. - Descriptive statistics were used to get the
frequencies. - Ena for SMART package, 2011 was used to analyze
the data of anthropometric measurements for the
children. - WHO (2006) cut offs was used to interpret the
nutritional status. - A Z-score of 2 SD for stunting (HA),
underweight (W/A) and wasting (W/H) without edema
was used to indicate nutritional status. - Z-score of -2SDto-3SD indicate moderately
malnourish, lt-3SD indicate severely malnourish. - MUAC cut off 13.5 reflect normal, 11.5 to 12.5
moderately malnourish and lt11.5 as severely
- Table 1 Demographic
and Anthropometric characteristics of children -
- Values with superscript µ are means of
triplicate measurements. N represent total number
of participants
Factor Frequency Percentage
Gender (N40) Male Female 27 13 67.5 32.5
Age in years 7.32µ
Height 106.015 µ
Weight 17.22 µ
Middle Upper arm Circumference (MUAC) 15.01 µ
Skinfold Triceps Subscapula Supraliac 12.18 µ 12.05 µ 15.01 µ
15Figure 1.0 Mean results of some Biochemical
parameters of the children TP
(5.73 g/dl), Alb (3.34 g/dl) Glbn (2.37 g/dl) and
Alb/Glbn ratio 1.38.
16Figure 2.0 Mean results of Lipid profile of the
participants T Chol (137.37 mg/dl), TAG (54.87
mg/dl), HDL (29.56 mg/dl) and LDL 96.83 mg/dl.
17Figure 3.0 Mean results of Hematological
parameters of the children (change this to a bar
18Table 2 Prevalence of Hypoproteinamia in the
Frequency Percentage
Hypoproteinamia 10 58.82
Normal 7 41.18
Total 17 100
Key Hypoproteinamia low level of serum total
19Figure 4.0 Albumin levels of the children
20Table 3 Lipid profile of the children
Frequency Percentage
Total cholesterol Low level Total 17 17 100 100
Triacylglyceride Low Normal Total 3 14 17 17.64 82.36 100
HDL Low Normal Total 9 8 17 52.94 47.6 100
21Figure 5 Prevalence of anemia in the children
22Table 4 Skinfolds results of the children
according Percentile Categories Distributions
lt10th Percentile n() 10 to 90th Percentile n () gt90th Percentile n() Total N40
Triceps skinfold 9 (22.5) 31(77.5) 0(0) 40 (100)
Subscapular 0(0) 40(100) 0(0) 40 (100)
Supraliac 0(0) 40(100) 0(0) 40 (100)
Key n indicate the number participants in a
group and N total number of participants
23Table 5.0 Physical examination for nutritional
24Table 6.0 Anthropometric indices of the children
25- Figure 6 Prevalence of PEM among the children in
the orphanage - stunting 60, 37.50 underweight and 25
26Table 7 Prevalence of malnutrition by gender
27Figure 7.0 Food Consumption pattern of the
28Discussion of the findings
- The result of this finding (table 1) this is in
line with the finding in southwest part of the
country by Adejugbagbe et al (2012), on
assessment of Nutritional status of under-fives
in rural and urban communities of Southwest,
Nigeria where 61.0 were male and 39.0 were
female (Adejugbagbe et al., 2012). - The current study also differ with findings on
assessment of Childhood Nutritional Status in
Zamfara State, Nigeria where females were the
majority of the participants (51.4) and males
were 48.6 (Alabi et al., 2016). - Comparatively, the result of table 2 is similar
to the findings in Kussada Local Government Area
of Katsina State where more than half of the
participants have low level serum total protein
(Adegbusi and Sule 2011).
29Discussion cont.
- The findings of figure 4 is in agreement with
evaluation the findings on evaluation of
Anthropometric and Biochemical status of children
with nutrition deficiency, which reported low
level of serum albumin among the studied children
(Lidia et al., 2013). - Low level of total serum protein and serum
albumin reported in this study are indication of
protein malnutrition. This could suggest that the
children dietary intake of protein was lower than
the acceptable range. - However, this finding was not in agreement with
the findings of Clerke et al (2006), which
reported 85 of the studied children have serum
albumin level within the normal.
30Discussion cont.
- The lipid profile status of the (table 3) showed
low level of serum cholesterol, triacylglycerol
and HDL. This is in line with the previous
research on assessment of anthropometric and
biochemical parameters of the under five children
with nutritional deficiencies where level of
lipid profile parameter were significantly low
(Lidia et al., 2013). - It imperative children with malnutrition have low
level of serum triacylglycerides and cholesterol
(Walker et al., 2002). - The present study estimated the prevalence of
anemia among the children to be 29.41 (figure 5)
taking the cutoff hemoglobin level of 11g/dl.
This is in line with the previous findings
carried out in rural and urban southwest part of
this country Nigeria by (Adejugbagbe et al.,
31Discussion cont.
- However, the anaemia prevalence in this study is
lower than what was observed in earlier work
which recorded a higher (45.5) prevalence of
anaemia among children in the orphanage of
Federal Capital Territory Abuja (Chizoba, 2010). - A different finding conducted among under-five
children also reported a high prevalence (82.6)
of anaemia (Onimawo et al., 2001). The prevalence
of anaemia among under-five children nationally
is 27.5 (Maziya Dixon et al., 2004). - Anaemia prevalence (29.41) reported in this
study signified that anaemia is still a major
public health problem among under-five children
as well as orphans. Conversely, low haemoglobin
is a non-specific sign for anaemia because it is
also affected by blood depletion, chronic
infections, haematological condition, iron
status, follate and vitamin B12 status among
other nutrients (Leibel, 1977).
32Discussion cont.
- The presence of anaemia in this finding could be
due to lack of dietary intake of iron source
foods like fruits and vegetables (3.96), meat
and poultry which are good sources of animals
dietary iron. Reduce intake of animals foods can
cause iron deficiency anaemia because animals
source of iron more bioavailability than plant
iron source (Giebel et al., 1998). - The findings of anthropometric indices in this
differ when compare to the findings of national
survey on orphans and vulnerable children in
Nigeria by NDHS (2008) this study reported more
proportions of underweight (37.5 against 22.0),
wasting (25.0 against 11.0) and stunting (60
against 33.0). - However, the anthropometric indices recorded were
in line with findings of Chizoba (2011), where
the prevalence of underweight, stunting and
wasting were 45.5, 63.5 and 47.5.
33Discussion cont.
- Conversely, this study found the prevalence of
wasting to be lower than stunting and
underweight. - Many studies have found the level of wasting to
be lower than stunting in developing countries
(WHO, 1995). - In a recent released survey conducted among the
under-five in Zamfara State Northan part of this
country Nigeria, stunting (70) was higher than
underweight (37) and wasting (15) among
under-five children (Alabi, 2016). - Another study conducted in southwest part of
Nigeria to assess the nutritional status of
under-five children in urban and rural
communities reported high level of stunting
(24.5) than underweight (16.9) and that of
wasting were 0.3 (Adejugbagde et al., 2012)
34Discussion cont.
- In the south-south part of Nigeria a survey on
orphanages practices in Benin City, Edo State
also revealed high prevalence of children that
are stunted than those that are underweight for
their age (underweight) and those that were too
short for their age that is stunting (Nwaneri and
Sadoh, 2011). - Somewhere else in Ethiopia, 38.8 of the
under-five were underweight and 25.2 were
stunted (Rajalakshmi and Getabalewendazenaw,
2006). - The level of malnutrition in this study can be
explained as both chronic and acute. This is as a
result of both short and long term dietary
deficiency. - Table 4 showed the result of three skinfold
thickness, majority of the children were having
have all the three skinfold within the normal
range. This finding is in agreement with the
study conducted in Canada where 68 of the
children were having skinfold thickness within
the acceptable range (Clerke et al., 2006). - Lidia et al (2013), reported low level of Triceps
skinfold (TSF) among the studied children.
35Discussion cont.
- On the basis of this finding we found that about
60 (table 5) of the participants exhibited sign
of one form of nutritional deficiency from the
physical examination. - Some of the children were having sign of iron
deficiency anemia like pale coloration of sclera
of eye, follow by sign of protein deficiency on
hair like loss of pigment (melanin) and complete
loss of hair in some part of head. These suggest
that the children may be taking diet that is
deficient in protein, iron. - The findings of this study are similar to that
of Haleemath et al (2017) which reported high
sign of nutritional deficiency upon physical
examination of the children.
36Discussion cont.
- Figure 7 show the food consumption pattern of the
participants, majority of the foods mostly
consumed by children were cereals group (rice,
maize, indomie, spaghetti, garri, bread etc.). - This concurred with the findings of NDHS (2008)
survey where rice was reported to be the most
obtainable and inexpensive staple foods providing
main source of energy to households. - The high rate of cereals food recorded could be
because of their availability and acceptability
to the children. It is also more suitable to
prepare. - It was observed that cereals (like indomie and
rice) are among the food stuff donated regularly
to the orphanage and such there would be low
dietary diversification of the children food.
37Discussion cont.
- Animal foods contributed to 15.8 of the total
diet consumed by the children recorded in this
study. This was the major source of protein for
the children. - Vitamin A rich fruits and vegetables contributed
to 9.96 of the children diet. This was the main
source of vitamin A to the children. - The dietary consumption pattern showed that
legumes and nuts contributed to 11 of children
dietary intake. This is comparable to the
findings of (Chizoba, 2010). - Diets which give adequate nutrients require by
the body for its support and well functions are
associated with good health (Krause and Mahan,
38Discussion cont.
- It could therefore be suggested that for those
children whose energy intake fell below the
recommended, they were at risk of suffering from
nutritional deficiencies and becoming malnourish.
- The key cause of undernutrition is inadequate
consumption of energy and protein (FMOH, 2011). - Low diversification of diet as observed in this
study played a key role to most nutrient
- Good nutrition is vital for children to reach
their full developmental potential. - The study revealed high prevalence of
undernutrition among the children in the
orphanage. - This may be associated poor dietary diversity as
revealed by food consumption pattern. - Therefore, it is imperative initiate and sustain
optimal feeding practices in the orphanage.
- From the findings so far, the following
recommendations were made - Growth monitoring for early detection of
malnutrition. - Nutrition education
- Optimal feeding practices
- Proper hygiene
- Use of micronutrient powder
- Further study should be conducted to assess
micronutrient deficiency (hidden hunger) among
children in the orphanage. - Finally, Government, NGOs and other stake holders
in the community should help in providing
adequate support to these children