Title: Photocatalytic Coating - Self-Cleaning Coating - Yitac Pte Ltd
1Why Choose Exterior Wall Coatings To Protect Your
2Our Services
- Polyisocyanurate Foam Sheets
- Process Cooling Pipe Work
- Passive Cooling System
- Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam
- Soffit Installation
- activa
- Photocatalysis
3Bid Adieu To Paint
Applying proper wall coatings, such as
photocatalytic coating, prevents the need to
repaint your walls again and again as its long
lasting. It will not need to be touched-up every
couple of years.
4It Helps Insulate
Many people are not aware that properly applied
coating provides insulation. Exterior wall
coatings can withstand changing temperatures from
hot to cold.
This benefit, in turn, will help you save a ton
of money on cooling and heating expenses in the
long run.
5Damp Prevention
This coating is micro-porous, which lets the
walls to breathe and prohibits the trouble of
excess moisture in the future.
Damp is a major problem for the majority of the
house owners. However, this problem can be
avoided with the help of the correct wall
6Cost Effective
In contrast to the cost of painting your house in
a few years, wall coatings, on the other hand,
will not cost that much as these are long lasting
and will continue to add subsequent value to your
home in the coming years.
7It Maintains The Beauty Of The Walls
Not only is wall coating financially beneficial,
but it also adds the wow factor to the walls.
Walls coated with photocatalyst coatings like
activa require minimum maintenance. Your
maintenance cost gets reduced by 75 to 90.
Additionally, a properly coated wall draws in
potential buyers.
2 Woodlands Sector 1 03-04Woodlands Spectrum 1,
Singapore 736068
(65) 6257-1191