Title: Riverstone Vet Clinic - Riverstone Vets
1Riverstone Veterinary Hospital
02 9627-4011
At Riverstone Veterinary Hospital we
provide modern, professional and affordable health
carefor your pets. Our purpose built veterinary
hospital is fitted with fully equipped
examination rooms, pharmaceutical stores,
surgical theatre and diagnostic equipment
including in-house IDEXX laboratory machines and
digital x-ray. We provide on-the-spot assistance
for nearly all pet health and medical needs. We
offer a complete range of veterinary services,
including Consultations Vaccinations Microchippin
g Parasite Control Desexing Soft Tissue
Orthopeadic Surgery Dentistry Blood Testing .
Health Checks
Cat Vaccination
Dog Vaccination
Intestinal Worms
To help reduce waiting times consultations are by
appointment, except in EMERGENCIES
4Health Checks
Pets, on average, age five to eight times faster
than humans. By age two, most pets have already
reached adulthood. At age four, many are entering
middle age. By age seven, many dogs, particularly
larger breeds, are entering their senior years.
5Cat Vaccination
Vaccination has revolutionised control of
infectious disease in our pets. It is essential
that all pets are adequately vaccinated to help
protect the pet population as a whole.
Responsible pet care requires kittens to be given
their initial course of vaccinations, but this
cannot protect them for the rest of their lives.
Adult cats require regular vaccination to
maintain immunity against disease.
Kittens are temporarily protected against many
diseases by antibodies received through their
mothers milk. These maternal antibodies decline
in the first couple of months of their lives.
6Dog Vaccination
Puppies are temporarily protected against many
diseases by antibodies received through their
mothers milk. These maternal antibodies decline
in the first few months of their lives, however
until they drop sufficiently they can also
neutralise vaccines. This is why a series of
vaccinations is necessary in a puppy.
7Intestinal Worms
There are two broad categories of worms that may
affect our pet dogs and cats, intestinal worms
and heartworms
Worming is one of the first health care issues
pet owners need to address as pups and kittens
are the most susceptible.
A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice
and is injected under your pets skin. It can be
done during a normal consultation.
If a pet is ever lost and is handed in at a
veterinary clinic or animal shelter a microchip
scanner is passed over the animal to reveal the
unique code
Dentistry is a rapidly growing area of veterinary
science. We have seen a greater awareness over
the last 25 years of its importance to the
overall health of the animals we treat.
Our hospital is fully equipped to take
radiographs (often called X-rays) of your pet.
Our veterinarians will discuss your pets case
and conduct a thorough physical examination to
determine if your pet requires radiographs.
Radiographs are a very important tool to help us
diagnose diseases in animals, particularly for
conditions involving bones, the chest or abdomen.
11Contact Us
159 Garfield Road East Riverstone , New south
wales , 2765 Australia Phone
No - 61 2 9627 4011
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