Title: Formality Check Fail in TM Registration Process
1What if Formality Check Fail in TM?
Trademark is a part of Intellectual Property
which represents a company or business. It can be
a name, logo, symbol or even a device and is used
to identify the products or services associated
with it. Trademark registration is a long process
and undergoes different levels of examination by
the registrar. The application status can be
tracked online so that a timely action can be
taken if case be. At times, the status of the
application displays as Formality Check
Fail. What exactly does this mean? This article
will guide you through its meaning and the
process to tackle the same
Related Formality Check Fail in Trademark
3What is Trademark Status
The trademark registry reviews every trademark
application which makes sure there are no
similarities with any other trademark. Trademark
status is the different stages in the application
process of a trademark. The status changes as the
application advance different examinations. Relate
d Trademark Objection Reply
4Formality Check Fail
One of the stages of a trademark application
is Formality check fail which is the initial
stage of the application wherein the registrar
examines whether the documents attached with the
application are up-to-date or not. In case any
of the documents are incorrect or the application
is filed in the wrong class then the status
changes to formality check fail. It can also
happen if there is no translation for trademarks
that are not in English/Hindi. In such a
situation an examination report is issued to the
applicant to which he/she has to reply explaining
the same. Unless the applicant replies to the
report, the status of his/her applicant will not
change.  Must Know How to avoid Trademark
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