Title: BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
1BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
2BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Entire Course Tutorials  For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com   BUSI 620
Week 1 Questions for Critical Thinking 1
(SOLUTIONS) BUSI 620 Week 2 Questions for
Critical Thinking 2 (SOLUTIONS) BUSI 620 Week 3
Questions For Critical Thinking 3
(SOLUTIONS) BUSI 620 Week 4 Questions for
Critical Thinking 4 (SOLUTIONS) BUSI 620 Week 4
Questions for Critical Thinking 5
3BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Research Paper (2 Papers) For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com  This
Tutorial contains 2 Papers Topic 1 Electronic
INCREASE Choose 1 of the following 2 options for
your Research or Interview Paper. Your paper will
be at least 7 double-spaced pages for the main
content (not including the cover page and
reference page). Your choices include A
research paper Steps for writing the research
paper a) Choose a topic in managerial
economics. Â Â Â Â
4BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 1 Discussion Board 1 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com   3.
What is the difference between unethical and
unlawful behavior? Please provide examples for
both behaviors in your discussion. 5.
According to Milton Friedman, "Business has only
one social responsibility to make profits (as
long as it stays within the legal and moral rules
of the game established by society). Few trends
could so thoroughly undermine the very
foundations of our society as the acceptance by
corporate officials of a social responsibility
other than to make as much money for their
stockholders as possible." Explain why you agree
or disagree with such a statement. Â Â Â Â
5BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 1 Questions for Critical Thinking
1 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com  Â
Business 620 Critical Thinking One Salvatores
Chapter 1 Discussion Questions 9. Problems 6,
9,15 and spreadsheet problem (p.37) Froeb et
al.s Chapter 3 a. Individual problems 3-1 and
3-3. Â Â Â Â
6BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 2 Discussion Board 2 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com   Question
2 - Discuss how e-commerce affects you and/or
your company. 5 How important is saving for a
household and the economy? How much should be
saved? Â Â Â Â
7BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 2 Questions for Critical Thinking 2
(SOLUTIONS) For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com   Business 620 Critical Thinking
Two Salvatores Chapter 4 Discussion Questions
8 and 10, 11. Problems 3(a) and (b), 7, 9, and
14, 15. Froeb et al.s Chapter 6 Individual
problems 6-1, 6-3, and 6-5. Salvatores
Chapter 5 Problems 8, 15(b) and (c), and
appendix problem 2 (p. 215). Â Â Â Â
8BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 3 Discussion Board 3 Â For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com   4 Discuss
benefits and costs of unemployment benefits to
individuals and to the economy. 5 Comment on the
following statement "A company should produce
and sell any product as long as there is a market
for it." Â Â Â
9BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 3 Questions For Critical Thinking 3
(SOLUTIONS For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com   Business 620 Critical Thinking
Three Salvatores Chapter 6 Discussion
Questions 1, 7, and 15. Problems 7 and appendix
problems 1 and 3 (pp. 256257). Salvatores
Chapter 7 Discussion Questions 3, 11, and
12. Problems 4, 12, and 13. Â Â Â Â
10BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 4 Discussion Board 4 Â For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com   Question
1 - Tetrangle Manufacturing has fixed costs of
2,160 per day. The firm manufactures bicycle
component upgrade kits. The kits have a
short-run average variable cost of 48 and are
sold for 66 each. What is the breakeven level of
daily output for the firm? What is the degree of
operating leverage when the daily output is Q
170? Question 5 - As an employer wants to reduce
the production cost during the economic
recession, he/she could choose to (1) lay off
some workers without changing wages or (2) keep
all workers but cut wages for all. Which method
would you choose? Why? Â Â Â Â
11BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 4 Questions for Critical Thinking 4
(SOLUTIONS) Â For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com   Business 620 Critical Thinking
Four Salvatores Chapter 8 a) Discussion
Questions 2 and 10. b) Problems 3, 11,12 and
spreadsheet problem 1 (p. 357). Salvatores
Chapter 9 a) Problems 7, 11, and
spreadsheet problem 1. Froeb et al.s Chapter
9 a) Individual problems 9-2, 9-3 and 9-4.
12BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 4 Test 1 (TWO DIFFERENT
VERSIONS) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com   The level of sales in May, June, July,
and August were 84, 92, 83, and 89, respectively.
What is the fourperiod moving average forecast
of sales in September? If the t ratio for the
slope of a simple linear regression equation is
equal to 1.614 and the critical values of the t
distribution at the 1 and 5 levels of
significance, respectively, are 3.499 and 2.365,
then the slope is    Â
13BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 5 Discussion Board 5 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com   2. Why are
cartels unstable and why do they often fail? 5.
Respond to the charge that immigrants flood the
labor market and drive down wages in the U.S. Â
14BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 5 Questions for Critical Thinking 5
(SOLUTIONS) For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com  Business 620 Critical Thinking Five
Salvatores Chapter 10 a) Discussion Questions
2,3 and 8. b) Problems 1 and 5. Froeb and
McCann's Chapter 10 a) Individual problems
10-4. Â Â Â Â
15BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 6 Discussion Board 6 Â For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com  1. Why
does an exporter face a foreign exchange risk?
How can the exporter hedge its foreign exchange
risk? 5. Do you think the interest on pay day
loans is too high or just right? Should
Christians charge poor people on interest? Â
16BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 6 Questions for Critical Thinking 6
(SOLUTIONS) For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com  Business 620 Critical Thinking
Six Salvatores Chapter 12 a) Discussion
Questions 7, 11, and 13. b) Problems 12 and
spreadsheet problem 1 (p. 523). Discussion
Question 7 Quantity discounts are not a form of
price discrimination because the firm saves on
handling large orders? True or false?
Explain Discussion Question 11 How is the
transfer price of an intermediate product
determined when a) There is no external market
for the intermediate product    Â
17BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 7 Questions for Critical Thinking 7
(SOLUTIONS) For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com  Business 620 Critical Thinking Seven
Salvatore's Chapter 14 a) Discussion Questions
12 and 15. b) Problems spreadsheet problems 1
and 2. Froeb et al.s Chapter 17 a) Individual
problems 171 and 174. Â Â Â Â
18BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
BUSI 620 Week 8 Test 2 (100 Score) For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com  100 Score
Question 1 A movie theater that charges a lower
price for matinees than for evening showings
is engaging in Question 2 The market demand
curve for a perfectly competitive industry is
QD122P. Â Â Â Â
19BUSI 620 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com