Title: 5 Mistakes to Avoid with Broach Invitation Cards
15 Mistakes to Avoid with Broach Invitation Cards
2Broach invitation cards are elegant, exquisite
and endearing. They are the perfect invitation to
present your guests when hosting a formal
wedding. Broach marriage invitations feature a
high quality card stock paper with an attractive
studded broach with a ribbon in a complementary
color enveloping the cover of the card. Because
of their formal appearance, broach cards must be
appropriately designed, worded and presented.
To ensure you present the most appropriate invite
to your guests, be sure to avoid the following
mistakes that commonly occur with broach
invitation cards
3Mistake 1 Utilizing Too Much Color
When were thinking about which color to select,
using the wedding colors seems natural. However,
this doesnt always work too well. For example,
if your wedding theme consists mainly of bright
hues like orange, yellow and pink, it may suit
the décor but would be a poor choice for your
marriage card. With a fancy card style like a
broach, its always best to stick to soft hues.
If you do plan to use a bright color, balance it
out with a neutral tone.
Mistake 2 Incorporating Too Many Wedding Details
Every couple wishes to add a personal touch into
their wedding stationery, even here, less is
more. For instance, you may love the
architectural elements of your venue, the lace
pattern on your wedding gown and the colors of
your floral arrangements, but incorporating all
these elements into your invite would be futile.
Select one or two design elements that you really
love and proceed ahead.
4Mistake 3 Too Many Typos
Having any kind of grammatical or spelling
mistake in a wedding invitation is a big
disappointment. A misprint, missing punctuation
or spelling mistake could potentially convey a
different meaning than what was intended. To
avoid this doom, ask a friend or English expert
to proofread your invitation proof. You may be
surprised by your mistakes. Even if theyve
spotted and fixed all the errors, read your copy
from left to right and right o left so that you
know youre ready to take it to the printers.
Mistake 4 Failing to Order a Sufficient Quantity
Its a common mistake to assume that because
youre spending a lot on the wedding and youre
sure about whos going to attend, that you can
order an exact number of wedding invitations.
This is a disastrous mistake. The rule of thumb
is to order at least twenty five percent more
cards. This accommodates lost invites, late
additions and dont forget keepsakes. Besides,
its very expensive to get a card reprinted.
While youre getting the extra invites, dont
forget to get extra envelopes too.
5Mistake 5 Addressing the Envelopes By Yourself
Addressing all one hundred and fifty guests will
take a lot of time and patience. Writing
addresses for all these invitees will increase
your chances of making mistakes. The good news is
many stationers offer this service for a minimal
charge. If you have a large wedding party, then
this is a good option. If you cannot afford this
service, ask your closest friends and family
members to help out. Broach invitation cards make
beautiful marriage invites.
6Contact No (Toll Free) 800-786-0425 (US
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Address sales_at_indianweddingcard.com Website
Address https//www.indianweddingcard.com/Broac