Title: Awesome Rakhi Designs for Your Brothers
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2The Rakshabandhan is a sacred festival that is
observed in the last
- week of H indu calendar of Shraavana month .
During th is festival , the sisters t ie a sacred
thread called Rakhi on the wrists of thei r
brothers to protect them from any harm . During
the old t imes, the Rakh is - were bl essed upon by saints bef ore the sisters
t ie them on their Brother's wrist. Those Rakhis
were considered to have magical - properti es wh ich wou ld protect the brother. As
time went on people rea l ized that the Rakhi
is the sign of love, as well as protect ion and - hence the Rakhi, was to sym bolize the love of a
sister and her bel ief wou ld protect the brother.
3Nowadays, there are several Rakhis to choose
from and sisters get Rakh is for their brothers,
months bef ore Rakshabandhan . Th is can make the
fresh stock to run out bef ore Rakshabandhan
which wil l affect your Rak h i shopping if you
are busy. There are many online stores avail able
which depict the best Rakh i designs that you
can f i nd in the fresh market . You can Send
Rakh i On l ine in cit ies l ike Ahmedabad,
Gandhinagar, Baroda, etc. H ere are some of the
best Rakh i designs that you can select from
such online Rakh i stores.
4Cldssic Swdstikd Rdkhi
The classic Swastika symbo l describes the
presence of God and peace. The Rakh i s wh ich
have the swastika sym bol i s considered as an
ethn ic and classic design . Th is Rakhi is
appropri ate for a brother who is older and is
married. This design is popu lar amongst
mature individual and as this type of Rakh is
was avail able back in the days
and hence you can make your brother nosta lg ic
about the old days.
5Kunddn Droplet Rdkhi
Th is i s an evergreen design that never runs out
of style. Th is i s an elegant design which can
be given to your brother bel onging to
any generation. This Rakhi has an ethn ic look
which makes a proper Rakh i for an i ndividual
belonging to any age group. Th is type of Rakh
i would al so serv bracelet for your brother and
hence th is makes
e as a
Rakh Rakh
it a really great
i for the occasion of Rakshaba ndhan .
6Super Bro Rdkhi
- If you have a younger brother who is a "Supe rman
" fan then he wil l def in itely love th is
Rakhi. The design of th is Rakhi is designed
according to the superman 's crest which wil l
def i n itely make h im - j ump off h is feet. Th is Rakh i can also be a
surpri se for your younger brot her. Th i s wi ll
resem ble h i s heart that always wi shes to he l
p h is sister. Th is wi ll surely i nf l uence h
is persona l ity in a positive manner while
growing up.
7"O m" Rdkhi
Th is i s yet another nosta l g ic Rakhi ju st
l ike the swastika Rakh i . The only d i
fference between th i s and the other Rakh i is
that th is Rakhi can be given to any ind ividual
be longing to any age group . The sym bol of
Om is written in stone with g l itter wh ich
is a real ly attractive Rakh i . This Rakh i can
be g iven to your brother and even your cousins.
Th is wi l l make a great Rakhi for al l your
brot hers wearing the same Rakh i with the same
design .
8Here are some of the best Rakhi available for
the occasion of
Rakshabandhan . Apart from the above-m entioned
Rakh is, there are many other Rakhis such as
Doremon , Chota Bheem rakhis, Stone Rakhi
bracelets, Rud raksha Rakh i , etc which can be
selected based on the brot her's l ik ings. In
the end, remember that the Rakh is are a sym bol
of love, prayers, and care which should be taken
as the core values during th is auspicious
w w w . s e n d g i f t s a h m e d a b a d . c
o m