Title: MKT 411 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com
1MKT 411 Enthusiastic Studysnaptutorial.com
2MKT 411 Enthusiastic Studysnaptutorial.com
MKT 411 Week 1 Individual Assignment Introduction
to Green Marketing For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Prepare a 750-word
paper explaining key green marketing
principles. Name and describe each principle.
3MKT 411 Enthusiastic Studysnaptutorial.com
MKT 411 Week 3 Individual Assignment Sustainable
Product Proposal for Lego For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Readthe following
scenario You are an account manager at a
marketing firm specializing in creating green and
sustainable marketing plans for businesses that
want to improve their effect on the environment.
Several businesses have asked your firm to help
develop marketing around sustainable products.
4MKT 411 Enthusiastic Studysnaptutorial.com
MKT 411 Week 4 Sustainable Product Design Report
for Lego For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Read the following scenario Your
Learning Team members are account managers
working for a green marketing firm. You must
select one product from the previously created
proposal and develop it. Work together to
develop the idea further and report your ideas to
the firm.
5MKT 411 Enthusiastic Studysnaptutorial.com
MKT 411 Week 5 Sustainable Product Presentation
On Lego For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com MKT 411 Week 5 Sustainable Product
Presentation Select a product from your
Sustainable Product Proposal and create a product
launch. Present the product launch to the
product management team. You must sell the idea
and deliver this account
6MKT 411 Enthusiastic Studysnaptutorial.com