Title: FP6020 competitive success--snaptutorial.com
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2FP6020Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
FP6020 Module 1 Assignment 3 Selection of a Case
Vignette For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com FP6020 Module 1 Assignment 3 Selection of a
Case Vignette You will select one of the three
case vignettes to use for your final course
project. The project will be a mock forensic
assessment report incorporating the major topics
from each module.
3FP6020Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
FP6020 Module 2 Assignment 2 Federal
Guidelines For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com FP6020 Module 2 Assignment 2 Federal
Guidelines Create a 2- to 3-page paper
addressing the following Identify the federal
guidelinesstatutory, case law, and APAfor
psychological tests. Describe some of the cases
influential in bringing about the federal
government's involvement in the use of tests in
the forensic setting. Determine the effect of
the federal guidelines in ensuring whether
assessment reports are accurate and unbiased.
4FP6020Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
FP6020 Module 3 Assignment 2 Required Assignment
Test Assessment Analysis For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com FP6020 Module 3
Assignment 2 Required Assignment Test Assessment
Analysis For this assignment, you are to write
a paper analyzing one test in each of the eight
major assessment categories listed below. You
should utilize at least five sources from
additional professional literature, relevant
textbooks, and the Mental Measurements Yearbook
for relevant information on these testing
instruments. Your paper should be
5FP6020Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
FP6020 Module 4 Assignment 2 Mock Individual
Assessment (Rough Draft) For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com FP6020 Module 4
Assignment 2 Mock Individual Assessment (Rough
Draft) Create a mock forensic assessment
report based on a patient in a selected vignette.
Provide your diagnostic impressions based on the
DSM-5 criteria. Name the file M4_A2_LastName_LASA_
Draft.doc and submit the paper to the M4
Assignment 2 Dropbox.
6FP6020Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
FP6020 Module 5 Assignment 2 LASA Mock Individual
Assessment Final Draft For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com FP6020 Module 5
Assignment 2 LASA Mock Individual Assessment
Final Draft By Module 5, Day 5, submit to the
M5 Assignment 2 a mock forensic assessment report
based on a patient in a selected vignette.
Provide your diagnostic impressions based on the
DSM-5 criteria. Complete the following
7FP6020Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com