NR 506 Competitive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NR 506 Competitive


For more course tutorials visit The Four Spheres of Political Action in Nursing Please discuss the four spheres of political action in nursing – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: NR 506 Competitive

NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 1 Discussion The Four Spheres of
Political Action in Nursing For more course
tutorials visit   The Four
Spheres of Political Action in Nursing Please
discuss the four spheres of political action in
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 2 Discussion Policy Priority
Selection For more course tutorials
visit   Policy-Priority
Selection Identify your selected healthcare
policy priority and discuss the rationale for
your selection. Describe the model of policy
making that you feel would be best applied to
your policy issue and the rationale for selecting
this modePolicy-Priority
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 3 Discussion Effective Coalition
Leadership For more course tutorials
visit   Effective Coalition
Leadership Describe the various elements
necessary for effective leadership within a
coalition. How does this apply to your
professional practice or life?
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 3 Your Policy Priority Issue For more
course tutorials visit   Your
Policy Priority Issue Guidelines and Grading
Rubric Purpose The purpose of this assignment is
to a) identify and reflect upon key concepts
related to your planning a policymaker call b)
provide empirical evidence to support new
insights gained regarding your healthcare policy
issue and the po
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 4 Discussion Challenges in Lobbying
Strategies For more course tutorials
visit   Challenges in
Lobbying Strategies Discuss the best approach for
communicating with your local legislator or
policymaker in your policy-priority issue. What
is your rationale for this approach? It is vital
to communicate effectively in policy and
politics. Analyze two communication skills that
are critical to implementing your policy-priority
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 5 Discussion Drivers of High
Performance Healthcare Systems For more course
tutorials visit   Drivers of
High Performance Healthcare Systems   Select two
drivers (for example quality, cost, and access)
of high performance healthcare systems and apply
it to your current work situation. The
application could demonstrate the presence of the
driver in a positive manner or it could
acknowledge the presence of a concern.
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 5 Planning Your Visit (Part A) For
more course tutorials visit  
Planning Your Visit(Part A)   Guidelines and
Grading Rubric Purpose The purpose of this
assignment is to (a) identify communication
strategies that support an effective policy
making-presentation/visit(CO 2)(b) deliver a
message andmake recommendations (CO 2,3), and
(c) communicate ideas in a clear, succinct, and
scholarly manner. (CO3) Course Outcomes
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 6 Discussion Using the Media For more
course tutorials visit   Usin
g the Media   Given the power of the media,
discuss how you would use an opinion editorial, a
personal interview, websites, texting, Facebook,
Twitter, and/or blogs to influence public opinion
relative to your policy priority. What issues
about media and electronic social
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 7 Discussion RN as Healthcare Policy
Leader For more course tutorials
visit   RN as Healthcare
Policy Leader  As a health policy professional
leader, communicating with lay audiences is an
important skill in promoting the health of the
community for master prepared registered nurses.
Develop a concise position statement reflecting
the research findings and recommendations by
experts as they relate to workplace support for
breast feeding mothers,
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 7 Policymaker Electronic
Presentation For more course tutorials
visit   Policymaker
Electronic Presentation Guidelines and Grading
Rubric Purpose The purpose of this assignment is
to (a) identify and reflect upon key concepts
related to your policymaker visit (CO 3) (b)
provide empirical evidence to support new
insights gained regarding your policy issue and
the policymaking process (
NR 506Competitive Success/
NR 506 Week 8 Discussion Global Policy Reform For
more course tutorials visit  
Global Policy Reform   Reflect on the concepts
and practices you have learned in NR 506 on
healthcare systems, politics, and health policy.
Read the article that is linked below and share
insights as how to make informed decisions on
nursing practice and patient outcomes on a global
basis. In addition, state how you will apply what
you have learned in this course to your
NR 506Competitive Success/
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