Title: Personalized Jute Bags – The New Trend in Gifting
1Personalized Jute Bags The New Trend in Gifting
2Jute Bags are Eco-Friendly
Jute bags have emerged as a popular alternative
to plastic bags. They are used as shopping bags,
stylish handbags, or even as gifting bags. Jute
is a natural textile extracted from the jute
plant. It is biodegradable in nature. A jute bag
takes about 3 years to decompose naturally. In
contrast, a plastic bag takes more than 1000
years to decompose.
3Jute Bags are in Fashion
Personalized jute bags with cool funky designs
are quite popular among todays generation. The
coarse texture of the textile is among the main
attractions of jute. Because of digital printing
methods, jute bags can be customized with any
design. This is great for gifting purpose.
4Jute Bags are Durable
Jute is one of the strongest and most durable
natural textiles. They can withstand any strain
or pressure. Jute bags do not tear off easily,
even when caught on sharp edges. They are made of
tough material. Jute bags make for a great gift.
They have a long life.
5Jute Bags Can be Used as Corporate Gifts
Almost all companies use certain corporate
merchandise for their branding. Jute bags printed
with a company name or logo can be a good gifting
item in large corporate houses. Jute is also a
cheap raw material. Hence, jute bags used for
company gifting purpose can be an economical
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