Title: Top Five Magento 2 Extensions 2018 To Download Now
1Title Top Five Magento 2 Extensions 2018 To
Download Now Content Magento 2 e-commerce
extensions are way more beneficial than you
think, finding the right extension for your
online store is extremely important. Below is the
list of top 5 extensions that will help expand
your e-commerce store functionality and attract
new customers as well. FAQ Magento 2 is an
excellent built-iY ?F?e?ueYtl? Asked QuestioYs
FAQs?? e?teYsioY that offe?s a great way to
answer all types of queries of visitors/users
accessing your website. This plugin is highly
popular as it helps to directly add questions and
answers that are generally searched by customers
related to your products and services.
Product Quickview in Magento 2 extension helps to
show product detail on the catalogue page. With
this featu?e, ?QuiÐk Vie?? duttoY ?ill appea?
?heYee? aY? user hover over the product image.
This will open a pop-up providing the product
details and add to cart link to the visitor.
2Ultimate Site Maintenance Mode for Magento 2 is
the extension you need to make your Magento store
OFFLINE for maintenance till specified time
3Order Comment in Magento 2 allows customers to
leave order comments on the checkout page.
This ?ill help to iwp?oe oe?all oYliYe
Ðustowe??s du?iYg e?pe?ieYÐe.
4With Offer Popup in Magento 2 extension, the
admin can showcase offers in fronted via banner
images. It allows creating multiple offers
admin can enable/disable added banners any point
of time using back end.
5These a?e just sowe of ou? popula?
e?teYsioYs, ?ou?ll de su?p?ised to kYo? the
deYefits of ou? dest range of Magento 2
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