Best Remedies for Dark Circles - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Best Remedies for Dark Circles


Stress, lack of sleep, anxiety are some of the common reasons that give rise to dark circles. They look nothing but ugly and no matter how hard you try, it will make you appear older than you are. For more information visit us at – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Best Remedies for Dark Circles

Best Remedies for Dark Circles
h t t p s / / w w w . v l c c w e l l n e s s .
c o m / K e n y a / s k i n - c a r e /
Stress, lack of sleep, anxiety are some of the
common reasons that give rise to dark circles.
They look nothing but ugly and no matter how hard
you try, it will make you appear older than you
Potato Juice Potatoes are easily available in
the kitchen and all you have to do is grate some
and apply the juice with a cotton under the eyes.
Make sure that the juice is applied evenly to
the entire dark circle area. Keep it for at least
half an hour.
Cucumber and Rose Cucumber and rose water are
also extremely useful in removing dark circles.
Blend these two ingredients and strain the juice.
Apply using cotton pads on the eyes. Keep it for
about 15-20 minutes.
Tea Bags Tea bags are also the best remedy for
dark circles. Boil water with tea bags dipped in
it for 5 minutes. Turn the burner off and take
out the bags. Cool them in the freezer for 15
minutes. Frozen Spoons Just like frozen tea
bags, frozen spoons are also extremely helpful
for getting rid of the ugly dark circles. You can
keep several spoons frozen. When you get back
home from work, you can just place the spoons on
the eyelids. This will help increase the blood
circulation and help you relax after a long,
tiring and stressful day!
Aloe Vera Gel No one can ignore the tremendous b
enefits of aloe vera. But did you
know that the plant also helps in treating dark
circles? Just mix a teaspoon of aloe vera gel
with equal parts cucumber juice and mix them
well. Place them in the fridge for about 15-20
minutes. Apply this chilled mix with a cotton on
the dark circles. You can leave it overnight if
you want. The result will be reduced dark circles,
These are some of the instant tips using which you
can say goodbye to dark circles. Do try these out
and let us know what worked for you and what didn
t!! Were all ears
  • This article is originally appeared on

h t t p / / h e a l t h c a r e i n d u b a i .
b l o g s p o t . c o m / 2 0 1 8 / 0 7 / 6 - b e
s t - r e m e d i e s - f o r - d a r k - c i r c
l e s . h t m l
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