Title: Insurance Agency in Ballymena
1- Insurance Agency in Ballymena
- Published By
- http//www.paddycompare.ie/
2The word insurance is almost known more or less
to every people of the world. There are numerous
kinds of insurance policies is available in
today's market. The natures of these insurances
are different from one to another. A general
people only know two or three kinds of insurance
policies, like life insurance, health insurance,
and auto insurance. But apart from these there
are several other insurance policies available in
the market, and most of those policies are as
important as life insurance or health insurance
only a very few people know the importance of
those policies. Public liability insurance is
such type of insurance policy. Though it is very
important for every individual and corporate
house, but most of the people don't know the
importance of this insurance policy and don't
possess it.
3- In this article, we will discuss
what the public liability insurance is and how
that is very much important for every individual
and corporate house. Public insurance is an
insurance policy, which help the policy holder,
when any person from the public gets injured in
the premises of the policy holder. When the
injured person sues the corporate house or the
individual, then the public liability insurer
pays the amount to the injured person, if the law
decides any. Have a look at http//www.paddycompar
e.ie/car-insurance for more info on this. - When it will Come to your Rescue
- Imagine a situation. One of your friends comes
to your home for some reason or other.
Unfortunately, he slips on the slippery pavement
from your roof and gets severely injured. After
that, if he logged a case against you, then you
may have to pay him compensation. The amount of
compensation will be decided by the court and the
figure of the compensation can be any.
- If you pay the compensation to your
friend, then that may burn a hole in your wallet.
In this case, if you have public liability
insurance, then the insurance company will pay
the compensation to your friend instead of you
and you don't have to hurt your wallet to pay the
compensation. If you are a corporate house, then
you need this public insurance more than an
individual. As a corporate, you have more
dealings with public. I strongly suggest you to
visit http//www.paddycompare.ie/van-insurance to
learn more about this. - Importance
- Most of the individual think that there is no
need of public insurance in case of him or her
but this kind of thinking can take a person to
5- If you want to play safe and don't want any kind
of negative surprises in your life then you
should go for public liability insurance. There
are some countries, where public liability
insurance is mandatory for every business house.
So, if you are doing any kind of business then
you should check out your local laws. If public
liability insurance is mandatory then there is no
option in front of you, other than going for
that. If your local law doesn't make the public
liability insurance mandatory then also you
should have public liability insurance in order
to keep surprises out from your business.
offers excellent info on this.
6- Summary
- At Paddy Compare you can easily compare prices
from across the whole Irish market in one go.
Paddy understands the importance of finding you
the right deal on your car, van, bike, home and
travel insurance. -
- Visit this site to learn more
- http//www.paddycompare.ie/