Title: Best Driving school in Bay Area
1Professional Driving School in Bay Area
2How do I know if NorthCal Driving School is
licensed by Californias DMV to offer
behind-the-wheel training courses
While we do include NorthCal Driving Schools
contact information in our driving school
directory, we cannot say with certainty as to
whether NorthCal Driving School is certified by
the State of California. We recommend that you
either contact NorthCal Driving School directly
or possibly the California DMV to find out if
NorthCal Driving School is a licensed driver
training school.
3Best Driving Instructor
All instructors carry their credentials with them
when providing driving lessons. If requested, we
can provide multilingual instructors.
4Necessary Driving Instructor Checklist
- Apply to become a driving pedagogue
- Pass the ADI qualifying tests
- Use ORDIT to search out the correct driving
pedagogue trainer for you- check their success
rate and little print of work they'll raise you
to sign, and see if they offer refunds if you fail
Driving School in Bay Area
5Contact Us
The NorthCal Driving School Suite207, 37053
Cherry St,Newark, CA 94560. 1 510-309-8550