Title: Architectural Marvels of World by Nicholas Zubrick
1 Top 5 Architectural Marvels of
21 Chinese Central Television Building
The Chinese Central Television Building serves as
the new headquarters of China Central Television
(CCTV) and is one of the first of a series of
buildings to be built in the citys CBD. The
building is designed by Ole Scheeren and Rem
Koolhaas. It has 54 floors and is majestic at 234
metres in height.
Nicholas Zubrick
32 Taipei-101
Located in Taipei, Taiwan, Taipei 101 is a 101
floor landmark. It stands tall at 1670 ft. height
and brightens the Taipei skyline with its
fantastic design. Designed by C.Y Lee Partners
and built by KTRT Joint Venture, it is officially
the worlds tallest in terms of highest roof and
highest occupied floor.
Nicholas Zubrick
43 Beijing International Airport
China has some of worlds best buildings in terms
of design. The Beijing Int. Airport is one great
architectural marvel. Designed by Foster
Partners, it helps passengers to differentiate
between various sections of the vast area.
Skylights of different colors serve as an
innovative navigational aid
Nicholas Zubrick
54 The Burj Al-Arab
This is another tallest building which is used
exclusively as a hotel. It is second tallest
building in the earth at 321 m (1,050 ft). This
superb landmark is shaped like the billowing sail
of a boat and adorns Dubais urban landscape.
Nicholas Zubrick
65 The Burj Dubai
The Burj Dubai is the worlds tallest man made
structure at 818 m (2,684 ft). It surpassed the
CN Tower in Canada in September this year to
become the worlds tallest free-standing building.
Nicholas Zubrick
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