Title: Medical and Recreational Cannabis in British Columbia (1)
1Medical and Recreational Cannabis in British
Medical and Recreational Cannabis in British
2British Columbia is known as a Cannabis friendly
state in Canada and well recognized for cannabis
tourism. We have to clear one fact here that
cannabis not yet officially legalized in Canada
but is with great progress in legal hearing and
discussions, law and rules regarding its use and
consumption are formulated, but cannabis is still
to be legalized in Canada.
3Famously on February 2016, a federal judge in
British Columbia ruled that medical marijuana
patients have the constitutional right to grow
their own marijuana. The process of legalization
of cannabis in Canada starts in the year 2000
when ruled that its citizens have a right to use
cannabis for medical purpose.
4One of the key things in Canada medical marijuana
program is that patients must receive their
medical marijuana from the courier legally
operating retail storefronts are not available
yet, although gray hat recreational shops are
active in many areas.
5Patients can get medical marijuana specific
stains only through healthcare practitioner
recommendation. The matter of fact is for
recreational marijuana so many dispensaries are
active and growing in legal grey area all over
the country. These dispensaries are illegal
because according to law one cannot retail raw
cannabis and its products in a storefront,
moreover most of this cannabis is not sourced
from licensed producers.
6On the way to legalize marijuana Vancouver became
the first to set up rules for cannabis
legalization and British Columbia has also
followed the same process to legalize regulated
storefronts in the city, but the no of
storefronts approved for license are only 6
percent because of many disapproval reasons being
too close to residential areas, markets and
schools etc.
7Although recreational marijuana is still illegal
to consume in public but the gray market is
operative and growing, a no of safe space
lounges are operative under the law for MMJ users
to come and consume. These lounges are not
selling marijuana, only provides a place for
marijuana users to come and consume.
8In British Columbia Medical Marijuana is legal
but only with a qualifying medical condition and
prescription from a licensed doctor. As far as
recreational marijuana is concerned it is still
illegal but the legal process is in place to make
non medical use of marijuana legal in British
9Now as the British Columbia legislative framework
for the legalization of recreational cannabis is
established some of the most important guidelines
in the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act (CCLA)
are as follows
101. Minimum age to buy, sell and consume cannabis
is 19 years. 2. An adult can only posses maximum
of 30gm of cannabis in a public place. 3. Smoking
cannabis is prohibited in any public place as
same applicable for smoking tobacco. 4. Cannabis
smoking in school premises and in vehicle is
illegal. 5. Adults can grow not more than 4
plants and that too have to no visible from
public spaces.
116. Rtail licensing would be at place similar to
liquor. 7. Illegal sale is prohibited and law
enforcement authorities to deal with illegal
sale. 8. Cannabis related offences can result in
a fine from2000 to 100,000 or imprisonment of 3
to 12 months or both. Rules and regulations for
sale, purchase and consumption of Medical
Marijuana are totally different from recreation
marijuana and have to be considered in health
12Legalization Rules for Medical Cannabis Legalizat
ion rules to buy process or use medical marijuana
are totally different than recreational cannabis.
Medical Cannabis production and sale is regulated
by federal government. Healthcare professional
authorization is required to purchase Medical
13 There are pros and cons of medical marijuana and
we support legal, safe and secure use cannabis in
Canada. We are BudTrader Canada, biggest medical
and recreational marijuana market place in
Canada. This blog is dedicated to legalized use
of cannabis in Ontario Canada. For Budtrader
British Columbia go on to britishcolumbia dot
budtrader dot com.
14We are a classified website exclusively for
medical cannabis and other cannabis based
products. Currently we are providing online
cannabis classified services for 12 states in
Canada namely Alberta, British Columbia,
Manitoba, New Brunswick, New Found Land,
Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario,
Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and
Yukon Territory. We support safe cannabis usage
and all of our buyers, sellers whether
dispensaries, shops or home growers all are
15Medical and Recreational Cannabis in British
Columbia Cannabis legalization in British