1Ticks removal home remedies
- Here, you can get a list of home
- remedies for tick control.
- You will know about tick
- removal homemade remedies.
2Citrus Citrus fruits help in controlling ticks
infestation. It has many health benefits. To get
rid of ticks, you can take peels of lemon or
orange. You can take any fruit that contains
citrus. Boil them. You can apply cooled peels
directly on the ticks. Ticks can easily remove
out of your skin.
3Mint Mint is very effective remedy to get rid of
ticks problems. You need 10 table spoons of apple
cider vinegar and 2 lemons. Take 10 mint leaves.
Mix them all. Blend them in a blender. Now,
solution is ready to apply on ticks. In this way,
ticks will remove.
4Vaseline Vaseline is the best remedy to kill
ticks. It leads to suffocation to ticks. Ticks
will die. You can apply it in ears of dogs to
extract ticks from their ears.
5The alcohol magic Alcohol is preferred way in
deterring ticks. First of all, you should make
the solution. Take lavender oil, lemon oil and
eucalyptus oil in equal amount. Now blend it with
alcohol and water in ratio 12. Now you can spray
this solution on skin directly to repel ticks.
6Cinnamon oil Cinnamon oil is very effective way
for repelling ticks. You can add garlic to it.
You can make this solution by mixing 80 drops of
cinnamon oil, 250 ml of water and some garlic.
Now, you can use it for elimination of ticks
7Coconut oil Coconut oil acts as natural ticks
repellent. You can apply coconut oil directly on
infected area of ticks. You can get rid of ticks
in dog ears by applying this coconut oil.
8Neem leaves and oil Neem is the best trick to
remove ticks. You can make the solution by
mixing neem oil with extract of water. Now spray
it in infected area of ticks.