1Home remedies for bats control
- Bats are very common problem for human beings.
They spread various kinds of infections. To rid
of this problem, our website has very useful bats
home remedies details. You can now get overcome
with problem of bats.
2 Cinnamon Cinnamon can be finding easily in
every house kitchen. To rid of bats problems, you
have to take powdered cinnamon. Spray it in the
area of bats. This is very effective way to repel
bats from your home. This is non toxic so no one
get allergic reactions. Cinnamon helps you in
controlling an
3Phenol Phenol is an agent that can help you in
controlling bats. The smell of phenol irritates
bats. Phenol helps in repelling bats. You have to
buy white phenol from any general store. Then
pour it in a spray bottle. Now, sprinkle it on
all areas where bats are roaming. Repeat it for
next several days till elimination of bats.
4Mirrors Check the area where bats are roosting
firstly. Hang small mirrors there. Use some
lighting close to the mirrors. When you will turn
on the lights, mirrors will reflect lights. In
this way, bats cant roost there and fly away
from your area.
5Mylar balloons Mylar balloon is very creative
way to keep bats away. These balloons fill with
helium gas. Hang mylar balloons where bats live.
These balloons should be remaining in motion. The
bats feel too scary from these balloons and fly
6 Hang aluminium foil Hang aluminium foil where
bats are roosting. This foil produce a sound that
bats cant bear. This foil also reflects a light
that helps you in controlling bats.
7Moth balls Moth balls are known as naphthalene
balls. These balls are the best ways to get rid
of bats problems. These balls help in repel bats.
Bats will unable to return to your home. You can
buy it easily from any pest stores. You have to
tie these balls in a soft cloth. Then hang it
that area wherever bats create nuisance.