Title: Enjoy Your Weekend with Friends in Delhi
1 Enjoy Your Weekend with Friends in Near Delhi
2The RurBan Village
- The RurBan Village is the best picnic spots with
friends in near Delhi are visited during the
winter seasons.
3Day Adventure package
- Rurban Village Tour packages to enjoy rural
sports near Delhi.
- Zorbing INR 400/- per person for 30 mins (min.
of 6 person required) - Zip-line INR 400/- per person per ride
- ATV INR 400/- per person per lap
- Wall Climbing /Tyre Climbing INR 300/- per
person per chance - Boating INR 400/- per couple for 15 mins per
person (minimum two person required)
4(No Transcript)
5One Day Package Near Delhi
- One Day Packages Near Delhi includes a veg
breakfast, lunch and evening Tea alongside all
6Contact Us
Address 36 K.M. from Akshardham, N.H.- 58,
Delhi-Meerut Road, Upper Ganga Canal Road,
Gangnahar, Village Badka Arifpur, Muradnagar,
Ghaziabad, U.P. 201 206, India.
Phone Reservation / Enquiry 011-41324180 (Mon
To Sat 10 AM to 5 PM), 91-7457000870
Email Id info_at_therurbanvillage.com
8Thank You
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